Am I the Only One Who Sees The Contradiction Here?

Jarrett: ‘If There’s One Thing We Should All Agree On, It’s Protecting Women From Violence’

Panetta to lift ban on women in combat

Excuse my French but, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH US!?


[Sooner or later, the universe will catch up with the make-believe world we’ve built and, when it does, there won’t be anything left of what we once called America because nature corrects aberrations such as our society by burning it to the ground.  As a society, we’ve grown insane.  There is no reason left in our world anymore — none.  We either come to our senses now, or we must go extinct — for the sake of whatever remains of humanity.]

7 thoughts on “Am I the Only One Who Sees The Contradiction Here?

  1. Of course there’s a contradiction. Jarrett is jabbering the same party line fantasy that women need special protection and that violence against women is somehow inherently worse than violence against men – oddly, anti-Feminist – and Panetta is merely bowing to the reality that “front-line” and “combat troops” no longer have any real meaning – beyond that until this moment the many women we have who see combat couldn’t draw combat pay. .

  2. Nicely noticed !

    These people are absolutely..,
    … what was that famous quote during the battle if the bulge? I remember now;

    NUTS !

  3. “…..Jarrett: ‘If There’s One Thing We Should All Agree On, It’s Protecting Women From Violence’…..”

    The Porgressive Press and the Socialisists in DC virtually Ignore the Rape and Murder of muslim women World-wide.

    The Israelis Stopped having Women in Combat long ago …. for all the right reasons. Women serve in armed capacity behind the Front Lines ……….. Sorta Fits with this Administartions immoral anti-Israel and anti-Christian stance.

    What’s going to happen if and when there’s a Draft reinstated….which Rangel and others have been asking for !!

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