Mr. Kells’ Challenge….

I took it. Do you dare?

Define yourself. This is for conservatives, cause I really don’t give a shit about the lib opinion. I’m just trying to find out what the hell everyone agrees or doesn’t agree on.

What are the top three issues that you are adamantly against? Here are mine:

  1. The US income tax code.
  2. Illegal immiigration.
  3. Entitlement programs. (excluding SS, Medicare, and Military…..I do not feel like these should be under the same roof anyways….)

What are the top three issues that you’re really not for, but you can live with? Here are mine:

  1. Gay marriage.
  2. Legalised marijuana.
  3. Hate crimes. (I will accept that they are too retarded to understand that every crime is hateful……sorta like self-defense is the old name for stand your ground.)

Please answer the questions as succinctly as you can.

28 thoughts on “Mr. Kells’ Challenge….

  1. This is very Hard…..Because I Honestly feel that our Social Decay is directly linked to the Legislative Lawlessness.

    So I cannot Honestly say there are “issues” I am against but can live with………. BUT WRT your 3 Top issues being against I have to frame it thus.

    SINGLE Top Issue from wence All others eminate is also a two-fer……
    *UnConstitutional Lawlessness* linked to *Social immorality*( moral relativism)

    From this the Top 3 to be attacked on a Practical level

    (1) US Income Tax Code.
    (2) Illegal immigration
    (3) Entitlement Programs ( But NOT the Military !!)…..And that includes Corporate Welfare and Bailouts and programs like Welfare, SS, Medicare and all the rest.

    I believe we owe the Military support…..they served and serve ( ie WORKED) for their Benefits. I am against cutting Military Medical or Pensions ( No I am not in the Military ).

    A second group would be.
    (1) US Gov’t Agencies . They are effectively UNELECTED ,Appointed and Politically biased organizations that pass laws affecting everyone. They should be Dramatically reduced and most of them ELIMINATED.
    (2) Term limits for the Supreme Court
    (3) Repeal of the 17th Amendment…… bringing the Original Constitutionally described method for the States legislatures electing the Senate.

  2. Entitlements such as food stamps, rent subsidies. Needs more control on qualification and strict time limits on length of benefits. Really sick of “rich bashing”, the very people who pay the most to provide these benefits.

    Conservatives who will not speak up and fight the good fight. Too many elected Conservatives are shrinking violetsThe very people we trusted and elected are as big a problem as the Liberals. Too many “mealy mouths” filling a chair and collecting the salary and perks. Be tough in evaluating who you vote for.

    . Obama, in a sneaky manner keeps going after certain religions. Does he think his intelligence is so superior that we will never catch up with his deceit.

    The misleading concern for jobs and economy by this administration. Has there been an accounting of Obama,s first big stimulus? Why have the Republicans not raised a big stink about this kind of money just melting away.
    Forget illegal aliens for the time being. Make a real effort to match our current unemployed with the jobs available. Let the founders of FB, Google, farming and factories owned by large corporations etc work out their own employment issues. At the point where our domestic issues are solved, illegal immigration has to be dealt with. before then let Border people do their jobs as prescribed by law.

    • Okay, JJ; I got everything that upsets you. But what can you live with? Oh, and corporations are handling that problem with the minimum-wage increase by installing IPADs to order for you instead of a person. I wonder what shall happen if the power fails…..

  3. Here are mine:
    I agree with your 3 but I would rearrange as follows:

    1. Entitlement programs. (excluding SS, Medicare, and Military…..I do not feel like these should be under the same roof anyways….) Along with the mentioned I would definitely add….the pols making political deals that benefit themselves. Anytime a politician votes for ANYTHING and then is somehow financially endowed because of the new law. it should be considered what it is; A CRIME.
    2. Illegal immigration. Shut the door and quit giving ANY financial assistance to any country that keeps allowing it’s people to come here illegally.
    3. The US income tax code. Change the process of taxation and undo the 16th amendment.

    What are the top three issues that you’re really not for, but you can live with? Here are mine:

    I guess I can continue to live with a lot of laws that bother me since I have been doing so for all my life. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find a country with laws I would rather deal with, so I choose to spend most of my time bitching about what ALL politicians continue to do against my will.

  4. What are the top three issues that you are adamantly against? Here are mine:

    1. Healthcare.
    2. Entitlement programs. (retirement plans paid in to are not entitlements)
    3. The Government – in general.

    What are the top three issues that you’re really not for, but you can live with? Here are mine:

    1. Obama’s teleprompter
    2. Freedom From Religion Foundation’s sensitivities
    3. Moochelle’s 50th botox crisis.

    Footnote: The liberals can go (censored) themselves. Our rights are not dependent upon their perceptions of our need.

  5. Against:
    1. Income tax code-too onerous
    2. No term limits for congress
    3. ACA, a.k.a Obamacare
    Can live with;
    1. Illegal immigration (but not giving benefits to illegals)
    2. Food stamps

    • Your illegal immigration stance is interesting. The only problem is that I don’t think this country will purge entitlement programs anytime soon, causing legalized immigrants to pay for illegal immigrants.

      As a side note, I own all the Gumby movies (yes I am scary….)

  6. Wow. G., that was amazing! Thanks for turning me on to this fella! The lyrics are so beautiful, and I especially love the contrast of his voice with the piano and bass. This artist exudes “presence”. Why the hello haven’t I heard of him? Is he French? I noticed one of the videos after was Vanessa Paradis. I knew she was Johnny Depp’s partner, but I didn’t know she was a singer. She is beautiful:

    • Cute Chick.

      If you’re lookin’ fer Jazz and French and Guitar……… Look no further than the Hot Club De France….

      Now granted you don’t get Dudes snapping their fingers….. but you do get Grappelli as a Substitute…. ;- ) .

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