
Sheppard Smith, Fox News Republican Party of Highlands County, FL

Shep Smith “If you check President Obama’s last trip over-seas, his wife left just after their visit to France .. She has yet to accompany him to any Arab country.
Think about it. Why is Michelle returning to the states when ‘official’ trips to foreign countries generally include the First Lady.”
While in a Blockbuster, I came across a video called “Obama”. Two men were standing next to me, and we talked about President Obama. These guys were Arabs, so I asked them why they thought Michelle Obama headed home following the President’s recent visit to France instead of traveling on to Saudi Arabia and Turkey with her husband.
They said she could not go to Saudi Arabia, Turkey or Iraq.
I said, “Why not, Laura Bush went to Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Dubai.”
They said Obama is a Muslim, and therefore he is not allowed to bring his wife into countries that adhere to Sharia Law.
Two points of interest here: 1) Two American Arabs believe our President is a Muslim who follows a strict Islamic creed. 2) They also said that’s the reason he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. It was a signal to the Muslim world, acknowledging his religion.
Here is a response from Dr. Jim Murk, a Middle Eastern Scholar and expert on Islam.
“An orthodox Muslim man would never take his wife on a politically oriented trip to any nation which practices Sharia law, particularly Saudi Arabia where the Wahhabi sect is dominant.”
This is true, and it is why Obama left Michelle in Europe. She will stay home when he visits Arab countries. He knows Muslim protocol; this includes, bowing to the Saudi King. Obama is regarded as a Muslim in the Arab world because he was born to a Muslim father. He acknowledged his Muslim faith to George Stephanopoulus. He downplays his involvement with Christianity, by not publicly joining a Christian church in D.C. and occasionally attending the chapel for services at Camp David. He also played down the fact that America is a Christian country and said, unbelievably, that it was one of the largest Muslim nations in the world, which is nonsense.
He has publicly taken the side of the Palestinians in the conflict with Israel and he ignored the National Day of Prayer, something no other President has ever done.
He is bad news! He conceals his true faith to the detriment of the American people.” — Jim Murk, Doctor of Philosophy in Middle Eastern Culture & Religion.
ACTIONS speak louder than words. Another interesting item regarding Sharia Law.
Why has Barack Hussein Obama insisted that the U.S.Attorney General hold the trials of the 911 Muslim Terrorists in Civilian Courts as Common Criminals instead of as Terrorists who attacked the United States of America?
If the Muslim Terrorists are tried in Military Tribunals, convicted and sentenced to death, by LAW, Barack Hussein Obama, as President of the US, would be required to sign their death warrants. He would not be required to sign the death warrants if they are sentenced to death by a Civilian Court.
Recently, Muslim Jihadist, Army Major Hassan slaughtered non-Muslim, soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas rather than go to Afghanistan and be a part of anything that could lead to the deaths of fellow Muslims. He stated that Muslims ‘could not and should not kill fellow Muslims.’
Is the motive for Barack Hussein Obama’s insistence on civilian trials to make sure he doesn’t have to sign the death warrants for the Muslim Terrorists? Why would he, as President of the US, not sign the death warrants for Muslim Terrorists who attacked the US and murdered over 3,000 US. citizens on 9/11?
Could it be that he is FORBIDDEN by his RELIGION to authorize the execution of Muslims?
Open your eyes, ears and mind to who the President is, how he behaves and what he is doing! Actions speak louder than teleprompter-written words. AMEN.

77 thoughts on “Muslim?

  1. Is this a direct copy of Sheppard Smith’s article from somewhere, or does it contain elements of your opine?

  2. If the Muslim Terrorists are tried in Military Tribunals, convicted and sentenced to death, by LAW, Barack Hussein Obama, as President of the US, would be required to sign their death warrants. He would not be required to sign the death warrants if they are sentenced to death by a Civilian Court

    The death warrant MUST be signed by the President for it to become official, but the President is not required to sign it.

    Article 76 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Rules for Courts-Martial 1113 and 1207.

    • Greg,

      Obama doesn’t do ANYTHING he is “required” to do if he doesn’t feel like doing it. he was “required” to uphold U.S. bankruptcy law with GM — but he didn’t. He is “required” to uphold the immigration laws — but he doesn’t — and “prosecutorial discretion” does NOT cover ignoring the entire law.

      Your apologies for tyranny are becoming shameless. At some point, I am going to have to start accepting the possibility that you really do support the Leftist agenda against this nation as it was founded.

        • And it is funny that you have convinced yourself I am mad. I’m not wrong, and I’m not mad. I am sad…because I am being forced to accept that you are among the hopelessly lost who will have to be utterly defeated if mankind is to retain any hope of individual freedom in this world. You simply do not see objective reality. You have swallowed the indoctrination so completely, we might as well start calling you Parsons.

          • B, you said Obama is Required to sign a military death warrant, I merely pointed out that he does not have to sign it, and you jumped down my throat. Why?

            • I said he is required to sign a death warrant? Ah, YOU said that — not me. I jumped down your throat for suggesting Obama would follow the rule of law — BECAUSE HE DOESN’T!!!

              • I apologize, B. I had the mistaken impression that you published this piece, but it was sawdust’s piece. It gets addled enough in here without me making boneheaded mistakes.

        • And the Daily Caller just reported that the Obama administration is cooking the books on deportations:

          Internal documents obtained by the House Judiciary Committee show that the Obama administration has been “cooking the books” in order to reach their “record” number of deported illegal immigrants, chairman Rep. Lamar Smith said Friday.

          Based on the internal U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) documents, the number of removals are actually down, the opposite of what the administration has been claiming.

          According to the committee’s review, in 2011 officials at the Department of Homeland Security began including the number of individuals removed through the Alien Transfer Exit Program (ATEP) in its annual removal numbers. ATEP is a program which moves apprehended illegal immigrants to another point along the border.

          The committee chair claims that counting those individuals as removals is misleading because there are no repercussions for illegal immigrants who are deported through the program, and they can simply try to re-enter.

          • whether or not the number is misleading, If Obama is counting different than Bush, then he was stupid to try a move like this, with so many eyes on him.
            I did not know that I had the capacity for more disappointment in the man.
            Thanks Utah, for the news, I appreciate the non-hostile heads-up.

            • *blink*blink*

              G, you are given many “non-hostile heads-ups” on the RNL. They usually get hostile when you refuse to read them, or reject them because they do not agree with your pre-conceived idea of what is and start calling other people names. How many times did I ask you to read the Qur’an and Hadith? Have you done so? NO! Yet you still think you can call me ignorant and accuse me of making “inaccurate readings” of the Muslim holy books. How many times have I posted video of Islamic leaders telling the world they want to do exactly what I claim and yet you still tell me they are “radicals?” All I am doing is taking these books and these religious leaders at their word, then looking and noticing that there are no “moderate” voices really opposing them and accepting that this is Islam. Then I place it against history — real history, not the Progressive/Islamic revisionism — and I conclude that this is Islam. Then I try to share it and I support it with what I’ve found and — instead of actually getting into ORIGINAL SOURCE MATERIAL to SHOW where I went wrong — you call me names and blame me for starting this.

              You know what? This IS my fault — for caring enough to TRY to help you see the truth. OK, you’ve proven you do not care about it. Fine. I’ll wash my hands of you.

              • B, There are many interpretations of the Quran; your arrogance makes you think that you have the correct take on the religion. Even your trumpeting of abrogation is controversial, there is no consensus. You insistence that Obama’s bow to the King of Saudi Arabia was a ‘secret signal to 1.5 billion muslims that he is a Muslim is patently absurd, especially in light of your claim that Islam’s hatred of American values is out in the open.
                You ignore the fact of our meddling in the Middle East, which is the source of their animosity towards us. “They hate us for our freedoms’, what a stupid statement.
                B, you have an agenda, Islam is your cross-town rival, therefore, they are bad to the bone, no redeeming qualities. You start with a bad assumption, then run with it, ignoring or snidely dismissing any evidence to the contrary.
                Your use of Louis Farrakhan, calling him a real muslim, is an example of your blindness. Islam is open to all, Farrakhan only takes blacks as members.. Malcolm X was killed for calling on the Nation of Islam to adhere to the religion’s true precepts.

                • “There are many interpretations of the Quran” – maybe so melfamy (Greg is it?), but we also see enough of one interpretation on a daily basis to show clearly where the majority of Muslims on this blue marble stand, now don’t we? 🙂

                  • Now, no we don’t, William. The point i can’t seem to get across to B is that most muslims are not scholars, they aren’t parsing the quran for hidden meanings, they just live their lives, pretty much the way most Christians do.

                    • “they just live their lives, pretty much the way most Christians do.”

                      Do you mean like strapping bombs to their chests, and exploding them?

                      Yeah, that’s how we Americans roll.

                • Greg,

                  I am not being arrogant, I am reading the Qur’an the same way I read the Bible: by accepting what it says and not what others want it to say.

                  Muhammad said — IN THE QUR’AN — that those who divide Islam into sects are apostates and that “true” Muslims should have nothing to do with them. They are to be left to Allah for punishment. Well, the people YOU favor, the supposed “moderate” Muslims, are sects — and this is according to the Qur’an.

                  Now, where YOU have problems is in not understanding the Qur’an. You might want to try reading it sometime. It is a difficult read because it is full of contradiction, factual mistakes (in history, science and religion) and you will even find that Muhammad said you have to “help Allah with his grammar and fill in the words he leaves out.”

                  You see, the problem is that you are ignorant, too lazy to educate yourself and find it easier to attack me from that willfully ignorant and lazy position than to get an education.

                  In short: you’re pathetic.

  3. This particular bit of ignorance is now about three years old. Two minutes of research might keep people from passing along random emails that don’t do much other than to make the writer look pitifully misinformed. On the other hand, I’m neither surprised nor disappointed when conservatives do that.

    • Well, damn, James – you got us on that one, yessiree. The email is one that has made the rounds – while the facts in the body appear to be largely true, the conclusion that is drawn is not supported by them.

      But, by God, you have us dead to rights that conservatives are the only one’s who deal in rumors and innuendo – which is deliciously ironic after witnessing the recent performances of Obama, Harry Reid, Stephanie Cutter, Bill Burton and Chris Matthews, don’t you think?

      Brilliant “progressives” would never parrot idiotic points like Bush knew about 9/11 before it happened, he only initiated the war to please his daddy, claim that it was a war for oil (or profit), claim that that we torture after approving the same field manuals under Democratic administrations, never state that Saddam was not trying to acquire yellow cake uranium or that there weren’t WMD’s found, they would never be for the war before they were against it, and never accuse a government official of outing a “secret agent” who was widely known around the DC social circuit and was riding a desk at Langley, now would they? They are just too honest.

      They would never start a PR campaign that a sitting Republican president hated black people in the aftermath of a natural disaster or that people could only oppose a president just because he is black, no – your team would never hear the “dog whistle” racists comments in every single comment a conservative makes – I would point out that if you can actually hear the whistle, you must be the racist dog because the rest of us can’t hear it. Isn’t that the point of having a dog whistle…for only them to hear it?

      Of course, no “progressive” would ever claim that Trig wasn’t Sarah’s child, that John McCain had an illegitimate black child or that he wasn’t a US citizen because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone (for the record, Democrats were the first “birthers”).

      For sure, they would never promote the brilliance of a president and yet support the embargo of his college records…and that president would never write a book filled with “composite” facts (also known as lies) or allow a publicly available author’s bio to state he was born in Kenya just to bolster his own life story…nope – that’s just crazy talk!

      There would never be a rumor that Mitt Romney is a polygamist and they would never start a whisper campaign against a candidate who is a member the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, of course they would never be so two-faced to Mormon bash while having a Senate majority leader from their party of the same faith (or would they?). They would never insinuate that he was a vicious gay bashing high school student (whose sister couldn’t recall the “victim” ever mentioning the incident) that caused the death of the supposed victim over 40 years later…never would do that.

      They would never assert that someone was cruel to dogs while supporting a presidential candidate who sees them as the main course.

      They would never have a Majority Leader state on the Senate floor that Romney didn’t pay taxes, have a presidential surrogate claim that he’s a felon or anything like that – both with absolutely not a single shred of proof. They would never try to tie a Republican presidential candidate to South American death squads with no foundation. There would never be a liberal media organization like, say, Gawker Media, that would say that Romney’s finances and use of Cayman Island banks looks like a Mafia organization when utilizing a similar Cayman structure to shield their own earnings. Nope. Never happen.

      Your side has never called people racist without foundation, attributed a racist quote to a popular conservative radio host that he never said to prevent him from being part of a private business deal (an NFL team). they have never tried to tie dozens of shootings/bombings over the past 20 years to right wing radio, conservative causes or Tea Party organizations, they have never faked hate attacks on themselves to gain attention for GLBT issues, your side surely wouldn’t create a myth that a black representative was spit on during the health care debate – one that was dutifully repeated for months on end without proof, our president and the leader of your party would never run an ad saying an opposing candidate caused a woman’s cancer…

      Hell, no – you are too virtuous and pure.

      But on the other hand, I’m neither surprised or disappointed when “progressives” do that.

      • “Hell, no – you are too virtuous and pure.”

        I never said anything of the sort, of course. And Joe could tell you what kind of fallacy it is to counter the fact that I pointed out stupidity by one side by whining about the other.

        If you were paying attention (a lot to ask of folks here, I know), I said “I’m neither surprised nor disappointed when conservatives do that.” In the case of liberals I’m still not surprised, but I am disappointed.

        That help? Actually, I’m sure your little rant helped more. Glad you got it off your chest. 🙂

        • I didn’t get anything “off my chest” – you generalized to all conservatives with your condescending remark, I just provided a little reminder. I’m not disappointed in an email that makes the rounds that sounds too good to check – but I do take umbrage with a Party and president that lies with impunity on the floor of the Senate and in the media.

          • “you generalized to all conservatives with your condescending remark”

            True enough. As Joe does here with liberals a dozen times a day, while you commend him for “speaking the truth.” Right?

            • I commend him when he is right. I don’t necessarily agree with his approach, but that is his approach. I do agree with the end result of the posts that I have expressed agreement with or else I would not express that agreement. Where I have agreed, I have clarified and explained why.

              Not really sure that you are qualified to be the arbiter of truth around here but there you go – opinions – what are you gonna do?

        • I didn’t get anything “off my chest” – you generalized to all conservatives with your condescending remark, I just provided a little reminder. I’m not disappointed in an email that makes the rounds that sounds too good to check – but I do take umbrage with a Party and president that lies with impunity on the floor of the Senate and in the media. As far as “whining about the other side” – that wasn’t whining – it was a factual, yet satirical rebuttal after I agreed with you that the email was a fallacy.

    • James,
      Please answer these questions:
      1. Has she accompanied him to any Arab country? Why?
      2. Why has he publicly taken the side of the Palestinians in the conflict? Why?
      3. Did he bow to the King of Saudi Arabia? Why?
      4. Why has Barack he insisted that the U.S.Attorney General hold the trials of the 911 Muslim Terrorists in Civilian Courts as Common Criminals instead of as Terrorists who attacked the United States of America?

      I put about as much faith in what snopes says as what I do what you say………………………

      • Dusty,

        I still say this is where the 57 State gaff came from: he was thinking of the States of Islam.

        No matter how tired an AMERICAN may be, I just don’t think he/she would ever forget we have 50 States. HOWEVER, if you are a practiced deceiver and you get tired and slip up, then you might forget that you are supposed to be talking about America and not the States of Islam. He has made several gaffs that only make sense in relation to him hiding a belief other than what he puts forth as public image:

        A CHRISTIAN would not need to be corrected about that because a CHRISTIAN would no more have made this mistake than an American would forget we have 50 States. But it doesn’t matter, his defenders will NEVER stop to look at this and think about what it really means, they’ll simply accept the lame excuses that have been offered.

        • B, there are not 57 Islamic states! There are, or were at the time, 57 members of an Islamic organization, but some of the member states just had a sizable muslim population, not even a majority.
          Besides, you humor-challenged hatemonger, it was a joke! Right-wing Obama-haters like to leave off the ending of the quote…”and we have one more to go, the 58th”. Obama was speaking to the whirlwind pace of the campaign.

      • 1. Don’t know, don’t care. I wish she’d travel less.
        2. That’s an overly simplistic and factually incorrect question.
        3. For the same reason George W. Bush did, probably. Of course Bush also kissed him and held his hand.
        4. They probably should be tried in civilian courts (but won’t be), unless you want anyone the government defines as a terrorist (including militia groups) tried by the military.

        And whether you trust Snopes or not, you could check the info elsewhere–or just look stupid by promoting goofy conspiracy theories, which helps Obama in the long run. Your choice, of course.

        • Since you are to far up OWEbozo’s ass to answer anything, I’ll help you.
          1. No, she has NOT, because she can’t since he still is held accountable to the Muslim religion.
          2. Always and everytime. Because he can not side against the Muslim religion.
          3. Yes, because that is what lowly Muslims do to their superiors.
          4. Because he wouldn’t be able to sign the death warrant.

          one more question for you…………
          Are you ever going to open your eyes and recognize what a POS OWEbozo is? Just how worthless does a leader have to be to get you to admit that he hasn’t done the country any good? Now crawl back under your rock…………..idiot.

          • I cannot believe I am actually going to play the devil’s advocate here, but here goes ….

            James knows full well what an incompetent fool Obama is. Sadly, he cannot identify with the Romney card either. Likely (and it’s pure speculation at this point), James is one of the many Americans out there feeling that they truly know what to expect with Obama, but are unsure what to expect with Romney … so they will stick with the predictable, even if it is not the meal they would prefer to eat.

            I see that as more of a Romney issue than a James issue. Romney is going to have to step up to the plate and connect with Americans (something he continues to fail to do). The man already has a multitude of advantages; Obama’s shitty performance — he’s never been able to enact “change” or “hope”, a desperately shitty economy, seriously flawed foreign relations (drone strikes do not sit well with many people), but most of all … no freaking plan. Obama just simply does not have a plan for anything … only a narrative. Romney has presented a plan. Americans like plans, but they need to feel connected to their President …. Romney has let the summer pass by, and despite all the outcry, he has failed to connect to average Americans. He’s going to pay dearly for that one if he is not careful. 😦

            • Now, that’s a good post. I agree with every word of it except James has already said he won’t vote for Obama and has repeatedly talked about Obama’s failures. Romney has got to get his message out. I believe Ryan will help him out greatly in doing that.

            • “I see that as more of a Romney issue than a James issue. Romney is going to have to step up to the plate and connect with Americans (something he continues to fail to do). The man already has a multitude of advantages; Obama’s shitty performance — he’s never been able to enact “change” or “hope”, a desperately shitty economy, seriously flawed foreign relations (drone strikes do not sit well with many people), but most of all … no freaking plan. I see that as more of a Romney issue than a James issue. Romney is going to have to step up to the plate and connect with Americans (something he continues to fail to do). The man already has a multitude of advantages; Obama’s shitty performance — he’s never been able to enact “change” or “hope”, a desperately shitty economy, seriously flawed foreign relations (drone strikes do not sit well with many people), but most of all … no freaking plan. Obama just simply does not have a plan for anything … only a narrative. Romney has presented a plan. Americans like plans, but they need to feel connected to their President …. Romney has let the summer pass by, and despite all the outcry, he has failed to connect to average Americans. He’s going to pay dearly for that one if he is not careful. … only a narrative. Romney has presented a plan. Americans like plans, but they need to feel connected to their President …. Romney has let the summer pass by, and despite all the outcry, he has failed to connect to
              average Americans. He’s going to pay dearly for that one if he is not careful.”

              Agreed 99.9%

              The only problem I have is this part:

              “Obama just simply does not have a plan for anything”

              Oh, he has a plan. While most are distracted with all the birther and Muslim nonsense he’s implementing it. He’s taking control more and more, piece by piece right in from of our faces while we’re still blogging about where he was born.

              PS… You were dead on about Romney not connecting. He just seems like he doesn’t know what to do. Obama singing one night, he trying to sing the next week………..Geez

              • I get your point about the “plan”. Sadly, I should stated “economic plan”.

                You are right about the plan though …. he does have that plan.

                • I’ve read his books. I know what they say. Obamacare is only phase 1 of a 3 phase plan to take over the healthcare industry. He believes in larger government. Government control. All that other stuff, not as much.

                • @ William & Dust — I haven’t been able to bring myself to read the fool’s book, so I am going to cede the point. I had him figured for a dolt, and maybe he is. But this line of logic is bringing us full circle to the realm of socialism, Marxism, George Soros, Warren Buffett and the like.

                  I agree 100% though, Obama does not have the people’s best interests in the forefront of his heart. That alone in my humble opinion clearly disqualifies him from a role as a politician, and especially a President.

                  Question is, how to we preach that to the masses?

                  • “Question is, how to we preach that to the masses?”

                    It isn’t very often that I am face to face with someone that still says they are going to vote OWEbozo in Nov., but when I am I ask them these simple questions:

                    Is your life better since he took office?
                    Do you feel that America has moved into a better place since he took office?
                    If those don’t do it, I end with, just how terrible of a job does the leader of your country have to do before you won’t support him any longer?

                • (Oh, hell, now I’m gonna go and say it)


                  I have to respectfully disagree: I believe Obama believes he DOES have the peoples’ best interest at heart. I just think that he has such a distorted view of reality and of self that he can’t see he is actually part of the peoples’ problem.

                  This goes to the point I have tried to make about Progressives: it isn’t that they do not care — they care very much. It’s just that they believe they have such a superior understanding of the problem(s) that it gives them a moral imperative to save us in spite of ourselves — even if they have to “break a few eggs” in the process. After all, Obama is trying to fix 200+ years of America messing up the rest of the world, and other Progressives are trying to save humanity from America/Capitalism. When you consider that these are the stakes they truly believe they are playing for, it becomes easier to see how we slip down the road toward tyranny and atrocity.

                  At least, this is how I see it, anyway.

                • How do you preach to the masses?

                  Stop preaching to the choir. All the birthers and people that claim Obama’s Muslim are going to vote against him anyway. They aren’t the ones you have to convince. People like me are. You have to get me something that I think is a better product than what we currently have. Is Romney it?

                  I’m sitting here 4 years later saying the same thing:

                  “Is this the best the Republicans have to offer”.

                  Now that’s a personal view. Everyone, thank God, doesn’t think as I do. But Ryan is a much better pick that Mitt is, IMO. Even Rand Paul is. Santorum was, too. Rubio, I don’t think is ready. He spends too much time posturing.

                  I should have gotten a letter from Mitt not my girlfriend who’s family has generously donated to the republican party for over 50 years. You know how they are going to vote. He doesn’t know how I’m going to vote. Hell, right now, I don’t even know. He has to convince people like me not lifelong republican party members. To me, that’s a waste to keep preaching to them.

                  Lastly, tell Trump to shut up. Yup, I’d love him to be censored. : )

                • “I have to respectfully disagree: I believe Obama believes he DOES have the peoples’ best interest at heart. I just think that he has such a distorted view of reality and of self that he can’t see he is actually part of the peoples’ problem.”

                  Now we’re getting somewhere.

                  “This goes to the point I have tried to make about Progressives: it isn’t that they do not care — they care very much.”

                  Again, very true. But here’s part of the problem and B knows what I’m about to say….

                  The harmful progressives have to be positively identified. They can’t be give a pass just because they have -R, or -I behind their names as in the past.

              • I agree William………………..OWEbozo has a plan and he is doing his best to slam it down the throat of America. He is smart enough to realize that he has to take steps, some small (gun control, immigration reform), some not so small (Obamacare and anything that will get him re-elected).

                • This is where stand—and also where I probably disconnect with a few that post here: I don’t care about all the Obama being a Muslim talk. Or Obama born in Kenya talk, I think it’s all a waste of time and energy. So I don’t engage. The people that do engage in that, we already know how they’re gonna vote. Utah said it best about voting his ass out but the independents (like me) are the ones that have to be convinced and we just don’t always go with the other party when things don’t look good for one party. Some are like Augger said and are unsure about Romney and will stay with the predictable (not like me).

                  I can’t get all hyped up about Mitt like he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. I would have to see more from him. Right now, I see someone that couldn’t beat John McCain. Hopefully, in the debates he’ll show more. Or again, like Augger said, he’ll pay dearly. Remember when the primaries started? I don’t think anyone on here was on the Mitt bandwagon.

                  I don’t think you’ll see much on gun control if he were to win another term. I think you’ll see a Phase II to Obama care that starts to squeeze the insurance companies out of business. He is smart enough to know where to tread and where not to. Americans aren’t gonna let him mess with guns too much, even the liberals won’t. But the uninformed voters, the ones that think he has their well-being in his best interest with his healthcare plan, can be influenced and swung in his direction since most people don’t play when it comes to their health. He wants that to be his legacy.

                • “Well, he has already said that AFTER the election he will have more flexibility…………….so I put NOTHING past him if he gets re-elected.”

                  That IS the scary part, and also is the breeding ground for the conspiracy theorists that everyone on the liberal side is railing about. Incidentally, spend some time reading their conspiracy theories. They are just as absurd, and some times more so.

          • I answered your questions, even if not to your satisfaction and despite the fact that I owe you nothing. But are you now saying that Bush is a Muslim? And melfamy has pointed out the idiocy of your “death warrant” claim, Jackass.

            See, I can throw around meaningless ad hominems, too. 😉

            • James, help a fellow pundit out here …Who was that directed at?

              These damn things can get so long that without an @(somebody), I get lost. lol

              • Sorry, Augger. That was directed at Dusty–who asked four questions, then insulted me over my answers.

        • James,
          I would love for you to post a pic or a link to a pic of Bush bowing and/or kissing the Saudi king.
          I have seen on pic where he is lowering his head so the king could put a necklace of some sort over his head and around his neck.
          And I have seen one where the king is whispering something in his ear.
          If you need me to do so, i can post one of OWEbozo walking up to the king and bowing instead of shaking his hand.

                • James, I watched it. It’s not like any kiss I am familiar with. Maybe its a “Muslim kiss” at best.


                  What does any of this line of logic have to do with the real needs of America today? Like Gates said above … it no longer matters who Obama is, what religion he follows, or where he was born. We already know what we need to know about Obama …. and that is that he is a self-aggrandizing hypocritical narcissist dolt who couldn’t scratch his own ass right, much less speak properly … if it weren’t for someone behind him reminding him to wipe front to back or shoving a teleprompter in his face.

                  He’s not “for me”, or you, or anyone else … period.

                  His first term will be remembered in history as an epic failure, and thankfully it is almost over. Our real goal here should be towards convincing those on the proverbial fence post to to commit to getting this utter loon out of office. Nothing more, nothing less.

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