Thomas Jefferson, 33 years old when he wrote the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson, Trumbull painting

Thomas Jefferson

 This copied from

(Born April 13, 1743, at Shadwell, Virginia; died July 4, 1826, Monticello)


On July 4, 1776,  Thomas Jefferson was only 33 years old when he penned the Declaration of Independence.

On July 4, 1826, Thomas Jefferson died 50 YEARS TO THE DAY after the Declaration of Independence was signed.

“Thomas Jefferson — author of the Declaration of Independence and the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, third president of the United States, and founder of the University of Virginia — voiced the aspirations of a new America as no other individual of his era. As public official, historian, philosopher, and plantation owner, he served his country for over five decades.”

“As a member of the Continental Congress, he was chosen in 1776 to draft the Declaration of Independence, which has been regarded ever since as a charter of American and universal liberties. The document proclaims that all men are equal in rights, regardless of birth, wealth, or status, and that the government is the servant, not the master, of the people.”

Please click the link above and read more for yourself.

May God bless, and keep safe, America and her people.


3 thoughts on “Thomas Jefferson, 33 years old when he wrote the Declaration of Independence

  1. For some reason, the RNL is not letting me like. I like your post, Texas. Do you know that the oddest thing just occurred? I opened this post and the doorbell rang. Well, that’s not so odd, but it was the book I ordered from your other post: Memoir of a Revolutionary Soldier ~ The Narrative of Joseph Plumb Martin. That was odd.

    If any of you silly boys want to read it after me, I’ll mail it to you…..complete with food stains.

  2. “On July 4, 1826, Thomas Jefferson died 50 YEARS TO THE DAY after the Declaration of Independence was signed.”
    No, It was signed on Aug. 2 1776 not July 4th

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