I Can’t Stand It Anymore: Obama Lies Every Time His Lips Move

Watching this “debate.” Obama has finally done it: he has made Bill Clinton look like an amateur when it comes to looking the American people in the face and telling bold faced lies. I’m not talking about lies created by “interpreting” what someone says, or asserting an opinion as fact.  I am talking about lying about actual, objective fact and reality.  The fact checkers and talk radio community are going to have a field day tomorrow.

He also can’t play by the rules his own people wanted. I mean, how many times does he think he should be allowed to interrupt and talk over his opponent, or talk past his time limit and over the moderator?  Not to mention the help Obama is getting from the moderator (she seems to be keeping her word to “get involved” in the debate).

I’ll ask this question once more. How can you possibly be thinking of voting for Obama? I mean, really, is there one Democrat left in this nation with any sense of shame?

5 thoughts on “I Can’t Stand It Anymore: Obama Lies Every Time His Lips Move

  1. Hah! I didn’t see this post! I was literally laughing out loud during the debate. I suppose I should copy/paste my thoughts from the debate as I entered them into another post. Screw that, I’m too lazy! Romney kicked ass….again. I am so grateful that he is aggressive with this serial liar. I really loved Romney’s closing argument. He’s so………………….Mormon.

    • Well, to be honest, Romney did start to lose control toward the end. He had several chances to hand Obama’s head to him on a platter and chose not to do so. Had he, this race might well be over right now.

      If I was a touch more cynical, I might think Romney came off the gas a bit — for appearance’s sake. 😉

      • I think he is genuinely too nice. Those damn Mormons!

        Seriously, I believe Romney’s character is genuine. Obama is the actor. There are times when he steps out of this skin and lets his true self shine through. It’s very revealing. If you listen carefully, you will note his passion on socialism during the debate.

        • I agree with you — on all counts.

          In fact, when he claimed he believes in the American free enterprise system, he flat out lied through his teeth. During the 2008 election, he said of Capitalism:

          “One of the reasons I am running for President is to put an end to this philosophy.”

          Mike Church has made big hay off that quote, but — unless you saved it — you’ll find it has been scrubbed off the net. Luckily, Church has the audio 🙂

  2. Pingback: #5 – Lies, Damn Lies, Liberals and Fake Corrupt News and Libs that think they are a “Fact Checker”​ – Deplorableritzy2 Woo Commerce store

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