Rising To The Bait

There has been a lot of discussion on this site about Carroll Quigley’s proposition that there really is only one party and there is basically a conspiracy to control all of us through that mechanism. His writing about this very thing overshadows some really groundbreaking work on the evolution of societies and something that he…

Detroit is coming to a city near you

Detroit is coming to a city near you By Marta H. Mossburg Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Detroit’s bankruptcy is about numbers: a 26 percent drop in population since 2000, 78,000 abandoned properties, $10 billion in underfunded pension and health care obligations for public employees and billions more in bond and other debt that make it…

Liberals Whine: “Why Can’t The Messiah Lead?”

Hahahahahahahahahaha! To lead, you have to convince people to follow you. The libtards at the National Journal commit unintentional comedy: Two New York Times reporters recently posited for President Obama this grim scenario: Low growth, high unemployment, and growing income inequality become “the new normal” in the nation he leads. “Do you worry,” the journalists asked him, “that that…

Beck Wrong on Limbaugh

NOTE: this is an editorial piece.  Please read it as such. So Rush Limbaugh was on Greta van Sustren’s show last night and he not only attacked Obama, he came out and said the Republican Party is a threat to conservative values.  Now, in the interest of fairness, I did not see the interview.  I…

The Sin Of Envy

We have written about Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas‘ Summa Theologia before. In it Aquinas said of envy: “Envy according to the aspect of its object is contrary to charity, whence the soul derives its spiritual life… Charity rejoices in our neighbor’s good, while envy grieves over it.” From a few months ago: The root of our problem…

What if the U.S. Government and Media were Hiding Court Documents Proving Islam Intends to Overthrow the U.S. Constitution?

Have you heard that the U.S. Government tried a case in which it presented documentation into evidence where a major American Islamic branch of the Muslim Brotherhood flat stated its goal was to overthrow our Constitution from within?  Why do you suppose that is?  Could it have anything to do with Obama’s ties to the…

From the Mouth of the Islamic Billy Graham

Unless you have taken the necessary time and put in the required effort to find and study what former Muslims have to tell us about Islam, you most likely know little more about Islam than what our Western media tells you.  The problem with that is our Western media hasn’t taken the time or made…

New Co-blogger

Please welcome Charles Edinger from the liberal occupied territories of the upper northeast, Connecticut to be exact. I’ve been impressed with his comments and wanted to give him a bigger stage on which to pontificate. Chuck will be blogging I under the pseudonym of cdejazz.

U.S. Governments Destroy Businesses, Jobs, Lives

When I saw this story, I thought, how ‘Progressive’ of the government: ‘The Ultimate Story of Government Screwing With People’s Lives’ Burguiere responded: “I mean, this is the ultimate story of government screwing with people’s lives.  Here’s a bunch of guys who come up with an idea ahead of most of the entire world…they correctly…

If We Quit Voting

I mentioned voting in a comment section and, ironically, my son asked me to read an article he liked.  It is long, but it is very good. In other words; read it! Oh, this was written in 1945.   If We Quit Voting By Frank Chodorov New York in midsummer is measurably more miserable than…

“Islam has always been a part of America’s history.”

Barack Obama, during his Cairo speech, said: “I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America ‘s history.” —————————- AN AMERICAN CITIZEN’S RESPONSE Dear Mr. Obama: Have you ever seen a Muslim hospital? Have you heard a Muslim orchestra? Have you seen a Muslim band march in a parade? Have you witnessed…

Bachmann Joins Rubio on RINO Side of Isle?!?

Today, around 10:10 AM CST, Glenn Beck interviewed Michelle Bachmann on his radio program.  After listening to this woman – a person I used to trust and support – I have to say Bachmann has made the conscious decision to cross the isle and stand with the likes of Rubio, Graham and McCain.  She denied…


Obama speaking at Knox College: Now, today, five years after the start of that Great Recession, America has fought its way back. We’ve fought our way back. (Cheers, applause.) Together we saved the auto industry, took on a broken health care system. (Cheers, applause.) We invested in new American technologies to reverse our addiction to…

James Madison and Federalist #51

Within the last week or so, I have had interactions with friends of mine of the liberal persuasion. I have asked of them these “what if” questions” What if a government official came to your house and told you that he was talking your car because it was newer than the ones that any of…