Rule 5 – Xenia Tchoumticheva

Whoever runs HR for JP Morgan deserves an award, or more likely they have a blog and observe Rule 5. Meet Xenia Tchoumticheva, Morgan’s newest (and likely hottest) intern in the London office. The UK Sun reports: BANKERS at JP MORGAN have landed a real bonus — their bosses have hired this gorgeous model. Multi-lingual…

Ummm, about that presidential presser yesterday…

…not just chocked full-o-facts – according to…wait for it…none other than the Washington Post. Glenn Kessler of the Post’s Fact Checker writes: We realize the symbolic value of things like corporate jets, particularly when Republicans appear to be refusing to accept even a single dollar of additional revenue, but Obama is misleading when he suggests…

The heat is on…

The engine in the HopenChange Express is beginning to knock. It ain’t opportunity knocking but it could be the ethanol (subsidies). It’s been a rough June for the White House. Instead of being able to run a campaign taking credit for economic improvement, President Obama will, according to the latest forecasts, be trying to win…

Living La Dolce Vita!

I’ve already enjoyed being here in the UK. They may not have the same kind of freedom of the press that we do but at least in their system, there is no doubt about who does what to whom. The right leaning media is unabashedly right leaning and the leftist media is unapologetically leftist. Nobody…

Welcome to the Politburo

I have lost confidence in the US government to do much of anything effectively. I think that our political class has turned our country into some sort of parody of 1960’s Soviet style, favoritism laden bureaurocracy. Selective, irrational and mindless enforcement/non-enforcement of laws is the hallmark of a government that has lost any connection to…

Who are the Socialists?

Another great column by Victor Davis Hanson – this time over at Works and Days: Once the individual develops a dependency on food stamps, free medical care, subsidized housing, all sorts of disability or unemployment compensation, education credits, grants, and zero-interest loans — the entire American version of the European socialist breadbasket — then expectations…

The Constitution vs. Time Magazine

There was an astoundingly ignorant item published in Time yesterday. Be patient, I’ll get to it. In current political debate, liberals take three positions, 1) government can do anything, 2) we need to spend as much as it takes to support the government in its aims and to support that spending, and 3) we must…

The future may not be as cool as I anticipated…

I’m really close to perfecting time travel. Since I really had the future sized up to be something like this: You can imagine my disappointment at reading this: Why Sex With Creatures from the Future Is a Bad Idea When time travel finally becomes possible, we might want to think twice about getting it on.…

Fisking E.J. Dionne Isn’t Hard To Do

Let me start with something that most already know – E.J. Dionne is an idiot. A leftist idiot. Being such is evidently a resume enhancer that can land you a job at the Washington Post. The week’s chapter of “the world is going to end if Republicans are in charge” is dedicated to the old…

Rule 5 – Yana Lapikova

Putin has a new personal photographer. Say what you want – Vlad knows how to pick them. From the Australian: MEET Vladimir Putin’s new official personal photographer, Yana Lapikova, who has caused a stir in Russia after being appointed to the Prime Minister’s staff. The former beauty contestant and lingerie model has joined two male…

Rule 5 Page 3 Edition – Lacey Banghard

Yes, you read that correctly. Her name is Lacey Banghard. She is part of a UK tradition that should have been imported to the US but wasn’t – the Page 3 Girls. Per Wikipedia, Page Three (or Page 3) is a tabloid newspaper feature consisting of a topless photograph of a female glamour model, usually…

Rule 5 – BBC Radio One Edition

As many readers of The Rio Norte Line know, I’ll be living the life of an expat in the UK for a year or two. I’ve always been a fan of the British music scene but after being here for a while, I have really come to love several of the radio shows on BBC…

Don’t You Know Who I Am?

How much would you bet that this “lady” is an Obama voter? Woman Says She’s Too ‘Educated’ to be Kicked off New York Train All class, all the time. Another illustration of our ‘highly educated class,’ acting like assholes: (emphasis added) A woman traveling on New York’s Metro North train line was recorded by a…