What Happened to the Happy?

Over the past couple of weeks, few random thoughts and observations have been ricocheting around in my quite spacious empty skull like a marble in an empty paint can. If America is not to be allowed to judge the cultures of others, then other cultures are not to be allowed to judge America. If you…

Help Us Oprah-Wan Kenobi

“She lived as we all have lived, too many years in a culture broken by brutally powerful men.” Or so The Oprah says. Progressives are falling over themselves to worship the latest Priestess of Progressive Feminism, offering paeans to Her High and Nigh Ass in orgiastic glee. Cheerleading media outlets called the speech “inspirational” (Harper’s)…

The Long Run

I crossed an item off my bucket list yesterday. I ran a marathon. I know that is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things but it was a goal I set and I’m pretty happy that it was achieved. I have been training for 6 months but at my age of 58, this task…

32 Random Things Every Graduating High School and College Senior Should Know

Here are my random words of advice to those about to enter the real world from the “safe space” of the educational complex. What follows (in no particular order) is a mix of things my grandparents and parents taught me, what I learned from great philosophers and the lessons I have learned over the years…

The Sin Eater

There is a lot of hand-wringing, whinging and moral equivalency going around regarding Obama’s Hiroshima visit. Progressives (and some isolationist libertarians) seem to have perfected 20/20 hindsight to the point they now can point at events of 60, 70, 100 years in the past and state with absolute certainty what America should have done. Some,…

Transgenderism: Bellum Contra Rationem et Naturam

It certainly seems that there is a significant rise in deviant behaviors in America today. Again, as I have said many times, I do not use the term “deviant” as a pejorative, it is a term with a distinct, clinical meaning – according to Webster, it means “deviating (to do something that is different or to…

A Life Worth Living

As some long time readers know, I grew up poor in a small, rural, north Mississippi farming community. Far from being ashamed of it, I am proud to have grown up in a family of two strong parents, close to an extended family of cousins, aunts and uncles and perhaps the greatest influences in my…

A Fireside Chat [With Myself]

I was just with some business colleagues at a local restaurant that had opened their patio – and since it is still cool here in the evenings in Vancouver, they had the outdoor fire pit going. Several of my associates had early flights in the morning (I’m here through next week) and as they left…

America or Foreign Force and Influence

Most of my life I couldn’t understand those that advocate policies or actions that obviously endanger the ongoing concern of our American Republic and Liberty for mankind.  Now I realize my naïveté. “Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence” Federalist No. 2, Author John Jay “To the People . . . With equal pleasure I…

Shooting Ourselves in the Head

One really has to take a step back from the rhetoric raging around the Roseburg, Oregon shootings (actually it is the same heated, politicized language that follows every crime that progressives find politically advantageous) to see the issue. This will be hard to do because we have a purely politically motivated president who has already…

Under the Micah-scope

I wanted to share something that has been on my mind since last week. Strangely, as the last few days have passed, it has brought me both peace and strength. I believe in God. I do struggle with organized religion – Religion, Inc. – with its mega-churches and deified pastors but thanks to the small,…

“the Golden Rule” abandoned by Universities advocates an unjust society

“the Golden Rule” What it is?  What is its inherent meaning and value? What happens when our neighbors and countrymen no longer seek this basic tenet for our society? The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy provides this: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This seems the most familiar version of the…

Defend Your Natural Right to Discriminate!

FUNDAMENTALS OF NATURAL LAW: We have a Natural Right to Discriminate I have been watching this ‘debate’ over discrimination with great amusement.  First of all, I shouldn’t call it a debate.  In reality, it is bullying, but not by the people discriminating, but by the people who claim to be trying to stop discrimination.  Their hypocrisy…

More Discrimination

A couple of days ago, I posted about the word “discrimination”. Today another thought sprouted in my little pea brain. I’ve been in the business of managing people for most of my career. With the exception of about 7 months when I first entered industry and a few years of consulting, I’d say over 95%…