Dark Day

This morning, I got upset by the death of Margaret Thatcher. When I got on the Facebook and a fella was vilifying her for protecting pedophiles in her party, I started seeing red.

Instead of debating, I decided to do my own research. After quite a bit of reading, I thought I would break down what I came up with.

First let’s start with the well-known BBC star and as it turns out, pedophile, Jimmy Savile. This article is long, but it gives some background. In no way does this article prove that Margaret Thatcher knew of this star’s sexual deviancy.


And yet, CNN posts an obit picture with the two of them:


The most damning, if you can consider an opinion damning, piece of evidence that I found was in this article. I pulled the excerpt I am referring to:


……the subject of an article in The Sunday Times at the weekend.

The article contained a claim by former Conservative minister Edwina Currie that a fellow Tory MP, Sir Peter Morrison, had sex with 16-year-old boys when the age of consent was 21. Morrison was Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s parliamentary private secretary and deputy chairman of the party. He died in 1995 at the age of 51.

Currie said: “Was he doing anything illegal? Almost certainly. Would it be illegal today? Hard to tell now the age of consent is down to 16.”

She noted that she had first raised the allegation in an autobiography in 2002. An extract from that book reads: “One appointment in the recent reshuffle has attracted a lot of gossip and could be very dangerous: Peter Morrison has become the PM’s PPS.

“Now he’s what they call ‘a noted pederast’, with a liking for young boys; he admitted as much… when he became deputy chairman of the party but added, ‘However, I’m very discreet’ — and he must be!

“She [Thatcher] either knows and is taking a chance, or doesn’t; either way, it’s a really dumb move.

I’m very fond of Margaret Thatcher. I get sucked into youtube watching her. I feel that she had the heart of a lion, and was trapped in a petite female body. What she brought to their country was amazing. So then, now that we are in Bizarro World; I suppose this is how we remember heros?

10 thoughts on “Dark Day

  1. Kells,

    These same people attacking Thatcher would most likely defend Bill Clinton — a KNOWN rapist.

    So, what you take from this is that these people are telling the world who they are in their heart of hearts. If you will attack the dead in such a manner before the body is even cold (in this case, literally), then you have no grounds upon which to claim any sense of being a decent human being.

    So, remember, discernment, Kells — love them, yes, but be discerning.

  2. Kells: you know who was told about Savile and did nothing?

    Mark Thompson, Director General of the BBC.

    Know what good old Mark does today?

    Why he is president and chief executive of the New York Times Company.


    I got the full info dump on Mr. Savile while in Scotland but there were more than just old Jimmy. There are many, many tight sphincters at the BBC these days…

  3. Kels,
    Margaret Thatcher was the original feminist, smart, strong, powerful and sure of her convictions. She was a tiger…in pearls. Influenced in college by The Road To Serfdom, she was absolutely certain in her convictions. This was a woman who could compete with the big boys and she influenced me greatly. I’m very fond of her too.

    I thought today about how she and Reagan brought down communism, now THAT sent a thrill up my leg. Actual accomplishment, not empty talk about hope & change. Britain lost a war horse today, they won’t soon see another one like her. More’s the pity..

  4. I’ll admit that I felt a great deal of sadness to think that the woman who said: “I can’t bear Britain in decline, I just can’t!” and got up and did something about it – is gone. In Lady Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, we have lost two pillars of freedom and liberty, the likes of which we may never see again.

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