TREASON – From “War Hero,” John McCain

Here’s why you will not see the Republicans charge Obama with Treason – BECAUSE THE REPUBVLICANS ARE PARTICIPATING IN THAT SAME TREASON!

McCain meets with rebel leaders in Syria

Sen. John McCain (R) traveled to war-torn Syria on Monday to meet with rebel leaders, a spokesman for the Arizona senator confirmed to The Hill.

Why do I call this treason?  Well, do you remember that Al Qaeda has declared war on us, and that we are currently in an armed conflict with Al Qaeda?  Then are you aware that the Syrian rebels are allied with Al Qaeda?

Syria crisis: Al-Nusra pledges allegiance to al-Qaeda

The leader of the al-Nusra Front, a jihadist group fighting in Syria, has pledged allegiance to the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri.


THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is TREASON!  And this is not “my opinion,” it is not “just politics:” it is the Constitutional definition of treason!  That means, the law says this is treason.

Therefore, if no one will charge and try these people, you no longer have a Constitution and rule of law: you have the rule of men – and that is called TYRANNY!

33 thoughts on “TREASON – From “War Hero,” John McCain

  1. I weep for McCain. What a dolt. But I cannot help but wonder why in the hell he felt the need to ‘sneak’ in to Syria. In the end, it does not matter. It’s time for McCain to just go home, and enjoy a retired life.

    I wish him well.

      • Even the idiots know what they are doing. They just lack the intellect to know that what they are doing is wrong. 🙂

        • Augger,

          That is wisdom. In this case, McCain thinks he is doing the right thing. He also thinks he is doing it with the “right” side of the Rebel Forces — not the side that Obama is allied with. In reality, the problem is that they are like the Progressives in this country: there is a fast and slow side, but they are all the same. McCain is just on the slow side (i.e. a RINO)

          • I think they DO know what they are doing is wrong.

            They just do the two-step… ….what they are doing is for the greater good, which they know best …..and Two….the definition of right and wrong is a “Living..moving Concept”, only to be correctly interpreted by the specially intiated and specially educated.

            • Don,

              You need to understand that these people do not have a moral compass, so their idea of right/wrong is not based on Natural Law, but on the system they create in their heads. In THAT world, they are ALWAYS right and we are too “stupid” to see/understand…

              • Yep. Because they are “Specially educated” and we are not…..just clinging to our “out-moded” concepts.

              • “You need to understand that these people do not have a moral compass, so their idea of right/wrong is not based on Natural Law, but on the system they create in their heads.”

                Exactly why I assert they are too (censored) stupid to know they are behaving wrong.

    • McCain knows that the “Rebels” include large contingents of Al Qaida….and Iranian money, arms and even Iranian “advisors”. These are the SAME folks killing our Servive men and women.

      And you still feel he is just a ….”Dolt “.

      With all due respect ( and I do have that for you genuinely)……But it is this pass McCain gets that has kept him in power. “Dolt”….”Misguided”….”Thinks he is doing the right thing”…….Good people just seem unable to call a Spade a Spade….and so On and On McCain goes decade after Decade.

      Until people let go of this passive excuse-giving behavior …. America will NEVER get rid of this kind of Politician……and your wishes for his retirement will forever remain that…..just a Wish.

      Solution..?…………….America needs to grow a Pair…..Recognize and Declare the truth…….and force their retirement.

      • Don, he is a fucking dolt. Maybe the Vietnamese knocked his good brain cells out of his head, I dunno. And yes, he should know better, but apparently doesn’t … for the very reasons that joe listed above …

        “You need to understand that these people do not have a moral compass, so their idea of right/wrong is not based on Natural Law, but on the system they create in their heads.”

        And that’s just the very reason this imbecile needs to go. Now explain to me how I am giving him a pass … please.

        • By calling him a “Dolt”….which is a soft easy concept. It lets the reader feel “sorry” for him.

          An Alternative would be to say he is Incompetant or deceptive (which is what Joe’s interpretation implies).

          We ( Conservatives….Jeffersonian Liberals….Constitutionalists) need to Call it what it is….and not soft peddle…..soft peddling doesn’t oust people. The Democrats do that with Biden….”Well….that’s Just Joe ….ha ha ha “.

          • Dolt = stupid person. Would you rather have preferred fool, blockhead, dunce, simpleton, booby, loggerhead, or other Don?

            Tell me how to apply a moniker to your liking. I guess “fucking dolt” wasn’t strong enough (sigh).

            • Welllll… I said….a Moniker which attaches his intentions and deeds….. Such as Incompetant or Deceptive.

              The term Dolt ( fucking or otherwise ) conjures up Sesame Street and a person of no real threat or consequence…..But McCain has done extreme damage with his actions ….. and I’m sorry to offend you but terms like Silly…Stupid…Dolt…dunce etc don’t really describe him or what he’s done.

              I quess we could just as well call Obama…a Silly billy…..lil’ nutterhead…Dopey Dunce…..Comeon Obammy you Nutterhead, you know better than that…..act proper now.

              The Language we use means has great affect….words mean something like Joe has pointed out about why it is so important to the Progressives that they OWN it………… The Left certainly doesn’t call us….lil’ silly-billy nutterheads.

              • Alright Don, I will bite. Re-write my sentence with a term you find more fitting and appropriate, and I will save it for future use as to not offend anyone. 🙂

                I think we are arguing semantics here. Our thoughts on McCain are pretty clear.

                • I agree …

                  But does that mean you rescind….and I CAN’T re-write your sentences anyway…. :- ) ??

            • Augger, for someone who never fails to be offended by name-calling, you are sure twisting yourself into knots defending your right to do the same.

              • No Greg, you got it all wrong. The difference is that I don’t whine and bellyache about the vitriol and claim to never use vitriol. You do.

    • McCain. == Head shaking ==

      What is the syndrome called where kidnapped victims support the cause of their captors?

  2. It a sham! We arm Muslims “rebels” When they’re done shooting at each other you know they’re gonna start shooting the Jew. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem will become prey for the piece. Throwing gasoline on the fire.

    • You are right Patrick. It is a sham. It’s a liberal agenda sham that protects Obama allies in the Middle East, and does nothing to support freedom of the average everyday oppressed citizen of that nation or others. Yes, when they are done shooting at each other, they will start shooting not just at the Jew, but at everyone that isn’t one of them. I do pray for peace in Jerusalem, but I do believe Israel will defend it’s own as well … because this whack administration in Washington sure isn’t going to come to the defense of Israel.

      Toodle along now, and go deal with the warmongering Obama, and stop blaming everyone else for his warmongering ways. Well, go learn to write first, then go deal with the Obama administration.

  3. The concept that our enemy’s enemy is our friend appears to be a consistent theme in foreign policy. McCain’s little holiday trip will undoubtedly be used in his attempt to escalate our involvement, but let’s not forget that our involvement, to this point, is likely not as limited as we have been led to believe. How is it that foreign policy decisions are made in secret with so little oversight?

    • Steve, McCain is clearly a component of the Obama initiative where as a “Republican”, Obama benefits from whatever occurs following McCain’s trip. If it works out, Obama can claim a bipartisan effort. If it does not work out, Obama can blame all his foreign policy failures on the hapless Republicans.

      McCain is clearly a culpable piece of liberal shit. (hopefully that moniker sticks).

  4. Pingback: TREASON – From “War Hero,” John McCain | U.S. Constitutional Free Press

  5. Pingback: TREASON – From “War Hero,” John McCain | a12iggymom's Blog

  6. Pingback: Sen. John McCain (R) snuck into war-torn Syria on Monday to meet with rebel leaders | a12iggymom's Blog

  7. Anyone proposing our involvement in Syria should put his money where his mouth is. John McCain should stay there and fight with the Syrian “Freedom Fighters” for his cause. If the politicians want a war they need to attend in person on the front lines.

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