Harry Reid: Pedophile Raping Pedophile

[NOTE: This is a test of the Hypocritical, Disingenuous, Shallow and Non-Thinking Detection and Alert System.]

The Glenn Beck radio program had a an anonymous whistle-blower call into the show today to break this story: Harry Reid is a pedophile who also rapes other pedophiles.  The caller claims to have firsthand knowledge from someone else who supposedly has firsthand knowledge that this is true, but, even if there is no concrete proof, the seriousness of the charges demands we launch a national investigation.  This is doubly important because Harry Reid hasn’t even answered the charges and, if he were to do so, a “reliable source close to Reid” advises that Reid would deny the charges.  See, what more proof do you need that Reid is guilty of these heinous crimes?

The preceding story has been deemed to be 100% in line with the Leftist reasoning in the following stories:

Outrageous: Harry Reid Repeats Romney Tax Slur on the Senate Floor

‘For The Past Ten Years Harry Reid’s Been Beating His Wife’: Megyn Kelly Panel Slams Reid for Tax Comments

Rush Limbaugh Turns the Tables on Reid Smear: ‘IRS Should Be Interrogating Harry Reid’

This most recent verse: same as the first:


There you have it. Harry Reid has been convicted by Leftist logic of being a:


29 thoughts on “Harry Reid: Pedophile Raping Pedophile

  1. Gee, I guess I won’t vote for either Harry Reid or Mitt Romney as president. 😉

    Actually I agree that Reid’s claims were disgraceful. All too typical of modern politics, but disgraceful.

  2. People better be careful about what they say about Harry Reid, he’ll sue them for libel. Unlike Reid’s assumption that the burden of proof is on the accused that premise does not hold true in a court of law.

    Reid to Judge: I’m suing this person because they have irreparably harmed my pristine reputation.

    Judge to Reid: You’re not only a pedophile but a liar too. I sentence you to 6 months in jail for perjury.

    • He will have to take whatever comes from this one – no matter what the damage. Otherwise, the prosecution would open itself up to charges of favoritism for NOT investigating what – either way you slice it – is the commission of a felony by Reid (unless he admits he lied, which then opens Reid to all sorts of counter suits from this claim and every other claim he has ever made as he would have just cast doubt on everything he has ever said).

      Truth be told, this is a sweet thing for Reid to have done. Now watch the dunce, Romney, let this opportunity pass. Were I him, I would be DEMANDING that Reid have me charged and arrested so the evidence could be displayed in court — followed by Reid’s arrest for the commission of a felony. If it didn’t happen, then I would scream that Reid lied and ask how many times he has done this in the past, and how often has the media defended Reid.

      make this about the Dems AND the press — like Ronny did. Or let a golden opportunity pass him by. Let’s see what Mitt does, because one way shows he is with the conservatives and TEA Party, the other only cements the impression that he is Progressive and doesn’t want to harm his buds too much.

      • Sorry, Joe, there’s no “opportunity” here for Romney; he has no case against Reid for several reasons. First, Reid said he heard it from another source. Second, libel is a civil claim, not a criminal one (let alone a felony). Most importantly, it is almost impossible to libel a public figure such as either Romney or Reid. Otherwise talk radio, the National Enquirer, the Blaze, MSNBC, Fox News, and most blogs would have been out of business long ago.

        • Augger’s right: you’re really not too bright. James, what Reid is doing is either a felony – leaking information about a citizens tax return status — or a golden opportunity for Romney to force Reid to say he lied. That you do not understand this puts you in a similar position as Reid: you either lack the intellect to comment on the RNL, or the integrity.

          Good night, Cherry 🙂

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