Something We Should Really Consider: The Chicoms Ban Bullsh*t

But if we did, could Obama actually spend 7 days a week playing golf? Would that be too much to ask of President Perpetual Campaign and his lovely wife, Moochelle?

The ChiComs are cutting the fat:

Party leaders will no longer be greeted wherever they go with cheering crowds, banners, red carpets and elaborate flower displays, said a statement on Chinese state media after a meeting of the new 25-man Politburo.

The updated rules also ban dull, long speeches and fawning write-ups in the state newspapers, as the party tries to reshape its image.

In recent years, even the lowliest Communist party officials have enjoyed a fin-de-siècle lifestyle, being chauffeured around in luxury cars and greeted by crowds of well-marshalled schoolchildren.

Officials have seemed to compete with each other for who could build the biggest local government offices, offer the grandest banquets – often with specially imported delicacies or food from exclusive farms – and accumulate the most wealth.

Now, after growing criticism at the decadence and arrogance of the party, its new leaders appear determined to make a change.

2 thoughts on “Something We Should Really Consider: The Chicoms Ban Bullsh*t

  1. Oh, it’s coming: but you, me and the RNL will be what gets banned in this nation. It’s called the “fairness” doctrine (fairness ALWAYS being defined as what the Left wants)

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