Isn’t This Level of Narcissism a Sign of Mental Defect?

What else can we say about this story other than that it is a clear indication that Obama suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder — especially given that this is far from the first such story, only the most recent indication that Obama’s disorder may be getting worse? Watch Obama Mention Himself 63 Times in…

More Liberal Hypocrisy From NBC (David Gregory)

Will there ever be an end to the liberal double standard? Likely not. Like most DC elites, it’s high-security for THEIR kids, but they mock/deride the idea of security for YOUR kids. Meet David Gregory … David Gregory is an important person, you see… whereas you and your kids? Not so much. Gregory Mocks LaPierre…

A Noble Heart Shall Have No Rest If Freedom Fails

When the mere presence of something instigates the urge to regulate it, we have a problem. Those of us who are unable to see the “reasonableness” in “reasonable” restrictions on guns are looked upon as “out of the mainstream”, advocates of mass murder and veritable surrogates for the Adam Lanza’s, Eric Harris’ and Dylan Klebold’s…