When Will We Ever Learn?

When Obama got elected, Beck told us that, before Obama was done, we would not recognize our nation anymore.  Well…

IRS Began Targeting Conservatives in March 2010...
Revealed: The 55-questions IRS sent tea party group -- demands for donor lists, names of all volunteers...
BOOK: IRS retaliates against outspoken business leaders...
Tea Party groups threaten to sue...
Kentucky activist to IRS: 'Apology not accepted'...
Probe Expands To Groups Opposed To Gov't, Teaching Constitution...
Scrutiny Deeper Than Thought...
McConnell: 'Just The Beginning'...
Agency accused of leaking confidential tax documents during election...
Scandal politics sweep Capitol Hill...
FLASHBACK: Senior White House official briefed reporters on Koch brothers taxes...

Top Dem calls for public testimony on Benghazi...

WASHPOST: Obama's claim he called 'act of terrorism' -- Four Pinocchios...

'Son of Watergate?'

40 years later -- to the week...

CHENEY: Cover-up 'still ongoing'...


DOJ tracked 20 phone lines at AP...

Swept up entire collection of records...

WH: We are not involved, go ask Justice...

DRUDGE: Assume all communications being monitored...


Top IRS official knew of tea party targeting for year, didn't reveal...


DC headquarters targeted conservatives...

55 questions sent to Tea Party group; Demand donor lists, volunteers' names...

McConnell: 'Just The Beginning'...

Pelosi: 'Opportunity' To Scrutinize 501(c)(4)s, 'Overturn Citizens United'...

IRS chief to be given 'President's Medallion'...

Mission accomplished: not because we have another corrupt President – we’ve had those before – but because the “press,” Congress and “DOJ” don’t seem to care more than to use it for politically posturing for their own gain (i.e. more corruption on top of corruption).

[NOTE: NONE of these stories are new.  If you listen to Glenn Beck and/or read The Blaze, you knew about all of this a long time ago — especially the IRS and Benghazi stuffSo, how can someone claim they care about the truth and still not give credibility to the only organization that has been getting things right and doing its best to learn and report the truth?]

19 thoughts on “When Will We Ever Learn?

  1. No one should be surprised by anything this man does. When you elect a Chicago thug, rabble rouser with no experience, you get a president who is a Chicago thug rabble rouser. Pure and simple.

    • nco77,

      Yes, true, but we need to start waking to the FACT that this started a LONG time ago, and it includes just about EVERYONE — IN BOTH PARTIES! In other words, Bush W is not innocent.

      But, as I told James, Obama is in the WH now, and we need to deal with that threat first — then go back and start cleaning house after the fact.

  2. Joe, I have to agree with you, and still have to mention the other guys because the system has been inculcated with caree bureaucrats, who have become more and more power hungry. Face it, every president since Jefferson has tried to consolidate more power in the presidency. I forget who said it , but power does not corrupt men, men corrupt power.
    Personally, my first alarm was raised with Bush I and his “thousand points of light”(illuminati?) and “new world order” speech.
    no pres. since then has done anything to ease my fears of being sucked up into UN and global bankster’s ideas of one world government.
    I began storing “stuff” (let’s just call it stuff) during the Carter Admin, had a little pause during Reagan’s first term, then back at it. All that to say this , government is a criminal conspiracy. The only way to root out the tumors is with surgery.

      • Remember “Lazarus Long?” Heinlein character who said ” the terms ‘civil servant’and ‘civil master ‘are interchangeable”

        Political tags – such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth – are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.
        Robert A. Heinlein

      • But this is the problem, B. The media has been serving up this shit for so long, it tastes like popcorn and candy to them. And the 47%? They eat it as a side to their favourite tv show.

        I fear there will be only be a minority that dances to the beat of a different drum.

        • The 47% get their news from Jon Stewart. They don’t have a long enough attention span for anything else.
          And I was always taught that dancing, or marching to a different drummer was often a good thing. So if we keep marching (or dancing) some more will “fall in” and others will be pushed aside!

        • Kells,
          We have truth, natural law, on our side. People are s-l-o-w-l-y opening their eyes and minds. As they do, they are re-learning what America and Liberty is.

          I thought it was completely over many years ago…

          The harder the Marxists/Democrat push, the more they awaken…

          Liberty is in America’s DNA…

          As the economy gets worse, people look to see why things are worse. And as they are fed more sh*t, many will realize, they are being treated like mushrooms, and they seek light and fresh air…

      • “When will we ever learn” ?

        Isn’t that a line from a Mary Travers song ?…..Where have all the Flowers Gone …

  3. Keep Praying for Truth and Justice.

    Looks like a large number of Americans are awakening and ignoring the “old media”.

    Reuters knew…. heck they all knew. The “legacy media”, propaganda arm of the Marxists who chose to ignore and attack real news stories hosted by Drudgereport and Glenn Beck’s…

    • Yes…. Pray…

      But also act and Speak….As G eck said in his recent speech …. “Stand up Speak out, be silent no more and Declare the Difference between right and wrong”. He also said “We are the 1st Responders !”…..in refernce to the people being the first to respond to disasters. BUT it also applies to just Speaking with those you encounter.

      Not confrontationally….not accusatorially…but Truthfully and with the Country’s interest at heart ….. We all can change and influence at least one other by speaking one on one……multiplied by many…..many are influenced.

  4. Take heart , good citizens, because the 45 people who watch CNN and the 37 or so who watch MSNBC are all in DC NY or SF

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