Rule 5 – TGIF [Thank Goodness Its Funbags] Edition

Many of the TV shows in US actually started in the UK, especially the “reality” shows (I guess we have the Brits to thank for things like all the Kardashian shows) but there is a show over here called Desperate Scousewivesdescribed as:

Desperate Scousewives is a semi-reality show based in Liverpool (often called “The Pool” in the series) located in England. The show revolves around football, fierce fashion and that famous WAG style. It follows the lives of several determined Liverpudlian girls and boys who are all about making a name for themselves and having a “boss” night out on the town.

The show premiered on E4 at 10:00pm on 28 November 2011. The show’s name is a parody of the American comedy drama Desperate Housewives and is said to be “Liverpool’s answer to The Only Way Is Essex”.

Amanda Harrington is a member of this future TV classic (NOT). Amanda is described as a “glamor model and columnist” but in my book, she is the reason for the season…TGIF! (Thank Goodness Its Funbags!).

Over at The Camp of the Saints, Bob Belvedere has gone all Rick Santorum Sweater Vest on our asses.

Please welcome the ample busted Miss Harrington to the TRNL Rule 5 universe…

7 thoughts on “Rule 5 – TGIF [Thank Goodness Its Funbags] Edition

  1. Pingback: Rule 5 Saturday Night: All Swimsuts for a Warm Winter | Maggie's Notebook

  2. Pingback: Rule 5 Saturday Night: All Swimsuits for a Warm Winter | FavStocks

  3. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

  4. Thanks for the link.

    I first read the show’s title as Desperate Sousewives – tells you where my mind is at.

  5. Pingback: Rule 5 Sunday: Short Skirt/Long Jacket : The Other McCain

  6. Pingback: Rule 5 Saturday Night Cowgirls, Cowboys and a Couple of Six Packs | Maggie's Notebook

  7. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

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