Americans Blame Wasteful Government Spending for Deficit

Gee, and here I thought it was corporations and the “rich” not paying their “fair share” that were to blame. From Gallup: The large majority of Americans say spending too much money on unneeded or wasteful federal programs is to blame for the federal budget deficit, while 22% say the deficit is a consequence of…

The Art of the Deal

What to do about Donald? That is a question that is running rampant through Republican circles right now. Is he a Republican? Trump is a Republican in the sense that Michael Bloomberg is a Republican, he adopts just enough ideology to masquerade as one as he flirts with yet another theatrical period in his career,…

Katz Got Her Tongue

Since we have been celebrating Trump trumping BHO and getting the long form released by dancing around the “birther” tree and chanting “Obama is awesome!”, this is just too good… Via Insty: WELL, OF COURSE: Tony Katz owns Contessa Brewer, ‘race-ers’ on MSNBC. That’s like a major-league pitcher in a Little League game. “But this…

An Arab Spring

I’m sitting in my flat in Edinburgh and the international news is on, covering the uprisings in the Arab world. It was reported yesterday that NATO killed some of Gaddafi’s kids and grandchildren and daybreak brings news that NATO also hit a school for disabled children. I’m sitting here thinking that this is not the…