God and Liberty

I perceive some apprehension over on the part of several RNL readers over the though of accepting the assertion that God is necessary to liberty. I promised one reader I would compose and post an explanation as to why this assertion must be true.  I was prepared to provide a philosophical dissertation when I realized…

Another Prediction Comes True

I’ll keep it short and sweet: Glenn Beck told us they would seek to prosecute those who speak out against them and to use these prosecutions to silence others through fear. Read the story here.   Beck also told us they would turn on the press and seek to censor the media/internet.  Have you been…

The Council of Guardians

The theme of government as expressed by the American political left today is nothing new. It presupposes that the majority of society has a savage, unlearned nature and we are without the ability to democratically rule ourselves. This is a theory that was developed in Plato’s The Republic, Leviathan written by Thomas Hobbes and Utopia…