Why I Despise Post Modernism and the “Progressives” Who Practice it

I’ve been mouthing off about “progressives” and post-modernism and sort of ranting that they are bad and bad for the country. I have received more than a few emails chiding me for being anti-progress and never really explaining why I am against “thinking outside the box” so to speak. I’m against neither true progress nor…

Calvin Coolidge: Governor, President, Humorist

Since Rutherford B Hayes has been resurrected for humorous purposes, I saw a crying need to remind people  about Calvin Coolidge, our 30th President and possessor of the driest of wits.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you…. MY FAVORITE CALVIN COOLIDGE STORIES Well, someone has to document this, lest we forget…. Calvin Coolidge, 30th US…

The Obamamovie

Not even the Washington Post fact-checker can stomach this epic (FAIL). Thus sayeth Glenn Kessler of the WaPo: Narrator Tom Hanks: “He knew from experience the cost of waiting [on health care reform].” President Obama : “When my mom got cancer, she wasn’t a wealthy woman and it pretty much drained all her resources” Michelle…

A Rotting Fish

Representative of the “progressive”/post-modernist propensity to create an alternate reality, the one that I have expended quite a few words writing about, may I present Stanley Fish, writing in the New York Times. Hardly a surprise after all the evidence put before us but Dr. Fish exposes the very smug and self-righteous construct of the…