Faith of Our Founders

I’ll make this one short and sweet. I know what we are taught about our founding today, but most of our modern teachings are based on lies. Our founders were extremely religious men; so religious that it would be irrational to accept the modern claims that they intentionally designed a Constitution that was devoid of…

The Dog Ate My Homework

When a government policy maker is questioned about it, this seems to be the excuse most common to the causes of the recent economic crisis. I have argued here that the Community Reinvestment Act, Bush’s focus on easy home ownership and the push from the Congressional banking committees helmed by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd…

What Once Was Old Is New Again

I’m going to try to use a new concept – recycling of a recycled post. In all fairness, during the entire month of May 2011 when this was recycled the first time, we had roughly 2,200 non-naked Muslim actress views, we do triple that in a day now, so it is likely that this is…

A Type of Romance

Kellsbells post inspired this poem. Thank you, I need all the help I can get.   CROSSING THE LINE   On line I can woo you embed you and peruse you But our little digital heaven must end each night by twenty to eleven   Crossing the line, on your website or mine? {six-four, athletic,…

A Smarter Smith

I know…apparently I’m like a cat chasing a string. I’m addicted to sharing my opinion. I can’t stop. I was reading through the UK papers this morning and noticed that John Maynard Keynes is alive and well  in the halls of the UK Parliament. They are contemplating a stimulus based on “infrastructure” spending over here…