HEADLINES FROM THE YEAR: 2059 · Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia, formerly known as California. · White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia’s third language.. · Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock. · Baby conceived naturally!…

Democrats: Commies – not of Word, but of Deed

The crassness and dishonesty of the American left is on full display in the post-implementation haze of Obamacare and in the language they use about it. Only 5% (14 million) of policies cancelled says Obama Spokeshole Jay Carney: “When pressed on the issue of millions losing individual insurance plans they wanted to keep, Carney said…

The REAL Reason for the 2nd Amendment

FUNDAMENTALS OF NATURAL LAW: Illustrating the Real Reason for the Second Amendment It is popular for authoritarians to claim that the second amendment is out-dated, that it refers only to fire arms and that it doesn’t even apply to the individual but to the National Guard.  These people also couch the debate over the second amendment…

Shocking News: Men Like Women’s Breasts

I’m perfectly fine with a Level 2 or 3 Cleavage Event: Men want power cleavage on first date… women prefer a subtle glimpse (and here’s Holly Willoughby to show you how)  41 per cent of men want to see serious cleavage on a date However 73% of women don’t want to wear this level of…