I’d Like to Teach the World to Lie,…”

INSANITY IN THE HEADLINES: How an otherwise ‘Good’ People come to accept Blatant Lies from their Government I was watching a tape of O’Reilly’s interview with Obama before the Super Bowl and I was struck by the Presidents parsing of words and out-right lying about the facts.  In this day and age of video and…


OLD COW DIED Suddenly, a cow jumped out into the road, the car hit it full on, and the car came to a stop. Nancy, in her usual charming manner, says to the chauffeur, “You get out and check–you were driving.” So the chauffeur gets out, checks and reports that the animal is dead, but…

Pandora’s Box

I write much about tyranny, to the point of repeating this phrase: Those who support tyranny only do so because they never expect its evil to be vested on them, only on the mythical “others”. Too late they realize that everyone, including themselves, are someone else’s “other” and that tyranny cannot be controlled, it has…

“OWEbozoCare 101”

“OWEbozoCare 101” in 30 words this explains the 2,000 page bill in terms even a liberal should be able to follow. It is essentially, “To insure the uninsured, we must first make the insured uninsured – and then make them pay more to be insured again so the original uninsured can be insured for free.”