The Bleating Of Sheeple Who Refuse To Face Reality

NOTE: I do not wish to be mistaken as directly addressing anyone with this post.  Therefore, I beg the reader to read it as though I were talking to myself aloud.


How is it that so many people in the West these days refuse to accept reality?  One of the things that confuses me most is how so many people can ignore the threat Islam poses to our society.  They see it — they hear the threats Muslims make — but they tell themselves it isn’t true.  Muslims do not really mean what they are saying.  How often have we seen this in history?  Hitler told people what he was going to do, and no one believed him.  Obama told America he was going to “fundamentally change the nation,” and no one believed him.  Well, both of them did exactly what they promised, and the world suffered, still suffers for having ignored them.  And these are only two such examples of people who told us what they were going to do and yet, we ignored them.  What level of insanity does it take to do that now, when Islam is telling us it will kill the entire world unless the entire world converts?


In this day and age, there is no excuse for ignorance.  The answers to any question are at our fingertips.  In many cases, they are right there on our phones.  And yet, when you try to educate people about the threat Islam poses to them and their way of life, they tell you that a few ‘nut jobs’ do not define an entire religion.  Or that they do not want to hear from a ‘hater’ or a ‘xenophobe.’  People who say such things have no idea what they are saying.  They are ignorant, and ignorant on a level that defies imagination.  First, the history of Islam is that of conquest.  The Jihad has never stopped.  If people would just read it, they will find that the Muslims have waged war somewhere in the world on an average of about every fifty years:


Why won’t people read the Qur’an, and the Hadith.  Why won’t they read the official biography of Muhammad’s life, and learn that Muhammad said that he was the example for how all Muslims should live.  Why do people refuse to educate themselves?  If they would, then maybe they would realize it is not ‘xenophobia’ to be concerned about a religion that commands death to all who refuse to convert.  First, a religion is not a race, so ‘xenophobia’ is a fallacious argument to begin with.  It is a deliberate attempt to link a legitimate concern to the manufactured hatred of racism and then treat them as they were the same when they are not.  And the notion that this is all based on hate is equally fallacious.  It is not hate to be concerned about an open threat to kill you.  But there are people who spout these lines about ‘xenophobia’ and ‘hate,’ and assume that it makes the problem go away while — at the same time — placing them on a moral plain about those trying to face reality.  Cowardice!  There is no moral superiority in denying the truth and leveling false accusations against the very people trying to wake up the deaf, dumb and blind!


I suspect this is the real problem.  It takes actual work to educate yourself.  It’s so much simpler to just go to accept what the government-controlled media tell us and just go to sleep to await our execution.  As long as we have our distractions, our video games, Face Book and all our material luxuries, we do not care that we are paying to import people who have openly said they will convert or kill us.  We just regurgitate the PC mantra the government propaganda mills have told us to say: ‘Bigot,’ ‘Racist,’ ‘Xenophobe,’ Hater!’

Sadly, this leaves me wondering another, far more uncomfortable question: how can such people — those who intentionally chose to remain ignorant and live by emotion rather than reason — how can they be considered human when they are behaving exactly the same as any animal in nature?  I mean, if they are going to behave as sheep in every way — including going dumb to the slaughter, then how are they any different from sheep?  It’s a painful question because the answer is extremely obvious and extremely uncomfortable to accept, but it is a question we should all ask — and an answer we should all face.

When I look at the world and I see people reacting in this way to those who are trying to warn them of danger, I have to fight to keep from weeping.  All I can think is that so many are lost for want of a teacher, but then, that’s not the whole story.  The truth is that so many will be lost for want of having to deal with the way the world really is and not the way we wish it to be…

[NOTE: I no longer think of my voice as anything special.  There was a time when I believed I had something important to say, but not so much these days.  I write now because I feel driven to do so.  Something inside me will not let me rest until I post the pages you just read.  I’d just as soon not bother anymore.  It all seems like no one is listening and I do more harm than good.  So I have come to trust that whatever it is driving me has all this under control.  Personally, I believe it is God, but others may not.  All I ask is that, if anything I write helps you, or you think it might help others in any way, please, share this page.  Re-blog it, share it on FB or send the link to your friends.  So long as you feel it will do more good than harm, then please, use this page however you wish.  Thank you.]

52 thoughts on “The Bleating Of Sheeple Who Refuse To Face Reality

  1. Here’s two that seemingly are not related…… Oh but they ARE.

    Federal Prosecutor warning people they will be prosecuted if they “spread rumors”….ie SPEAK about the rape of a 5 year old girl in Idaho by 3 male mulim refugees:

    And her ( Obama ) and the Paul Ryan Establishment’s enforcement arm waiting in the wings…..UN armored vehicles:

  2. I think part of the problem is that everyone has Muslim friends, and they are happy to be American. The other part of the problem is the Muslims that do speak out against their religion are quickly silenced.

    I don’t understand why Muslims cannot band together to speak out against Muslim atrocities, yet can band (300,000 newly registered voters) together for anti-Trump rallies….

    • Kells, you are one of the sheeple. I have explained this to you until I am blue in the face are you STILL refuse to accept the truth. You will not understand until it is too late.

      • No; I see the issue very clearly, and am voting for the one person who has a chance to make a difference. You, on the other hand, are on the delusional Path to Hillary. You are the sheeple, pal Joey.

        • SO you are voting for Hillary? Tell me, Kells. How does voting for Hillary keep Hillary from becoming President?

          You see, the polls really do say Hillary is ahead, so, by supporting Trump, you Trumpeters are electing Hillary. YOU, not me, are going to give us Hillary. So don’t try to blame me for your own doing.

    • You make good points about them banding together to Protest Trump….but NOT to speak against muslim atrocities.

      Conservatives are slammed … the press… Hollywood…..on TV… Politicains… the Schools and Colleges…………….. BUT we don’t shut up and are not silenced.

      Not everyone “has muslim friends”…… And that is party because the koran tells them they can’t really be friends with kafirs. And partly because of other reasons…. as below :
      According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%).

      More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts.

      • And from Pewresearch :

        “Living in a religiously pluralistic society, Muslim Americans are more likely than Muslims in many other nations to have many non-Muslim friends. Only about half (48%) of U.S. Muslims say all or most of their close friends are also Muslims, compared with a global median of 95% in the 39 countries we surveyed.”

        So only 52% of American muslims say they have NON-muslim friends.

      • They poll exceedingly higher in concentrated areas.

        Perhaps, I should be a bit more detailed. I have Muslim acquaintances. I only have two friends (I’m a real sweetheart) and they aren’t Muslim. The thing is, my Muslim acquaintances are pleasant. They don’t talk religion or politics. They don’t try to convert me. Maybe they’re just not that into taking their religion literally. B. moans and groans of problems, but does not offer viable solutions, because he believes it to be nationalism.

        • When you live in a world of “false dilemma,” it is easy to blame the other guys while telling yourself you are the enlightened, morally superior person. Sad thing is, since it is based on a fallacy, it usually means it is not true.

        • The fact that they poll exceedingly higher in Concentrated Areas should I think tell us something. In Numbers they are more confident in expressing their real views. Likewise not talking politics or religion…..well in these times that is indeed ignoring the central issue of our time. I think you should really look at Taqiyya, Tawriya, Kitman and Muruna. They ARE taught in mosques. Really read up on them and reflect. Maybe they aren’t into taking their religion literally…..or maybe actually…they ARE.

          Being invested in our Nation and in the Constitutional Republic is what is needed. America can indeed be placed First as Policy and as Patriotism….but it can be done without isolationism. A Complete BAN on immigration from majority muslim countries along with a moratorium on ANY immigration ( as we had from 1924-1965)……is a viable solution.

          I don’t believe this is National Socialism…..but common sense and responsible.

          • Don,

            She has been told about the teaching of deception to spread Islam. She rejects it. Like so many others in the West, she has come to believe she can redefine Islam through her own desire. But then, why wouldn’t she? The West believes it can change Natural Law simply by wishing it so. America has changed the original intent of the Constitution and our laws simply by saying it’s so. Why would people have any reservation about telling Muslims Muhammad didn’t mean what he said?

    • I think we need to get serious here Kells. Arabs are people, just like you. And as people, they have faith just like you. Now ask yourself a common sense question …

      If a group of people “hijacked” your religion and were perpetrating acts of violence in the name of Lutheranism and yelling shit like “Sola gratia” while they are chopping off heads, blasting people with bombs, or shooting gays in Orlando … wouldn’t you rather define a clear contrast from your “religion of peace” and their twisted ideology so that the whole entire world understood that very important distinction?

      I damn well would.

      Make no mistake about this, we are gripped in a Holy War, and it has gone global. And we better get a pretty fucking good understanding who and what these enemies of the world believe in, and what to do about it. Pandering to good Muslim sensitivities are not going to get us to the goal of irradiating this evil theological threat, and quite honestly … I do not need any of these local Muslim friends of mine lecturing me on how ISIS is not practicing Islam. They are in fact practicing what they perceive is the fundamental basis of Islam, and with that believe, they hare literally formed their own sub version (if you will) of that religion, and no matter what folks like Dr. Mubarak try to tell you … they wouldn’t stand face to face with a single one of them and tell them they were not practicing a version of Islam.

      • Oops, my bad O:-)

        Still, the people we all think of as having ‘hijacked’ Islam are not the ones practicing a “version” of Islam. They are actually living it the way Muhammad lived it. What we all have to understand is the people Kells thinks of as ‘good’ Muslims are the ones who have changed Islam.

        Its the exact opposite of people like the Westboro Baptist Church. Those folks can call themselves Christians, but they are NOT living according to Christ’s commands/example. On the other hand, the Muslims who kill non-Muslims ARE living according to Muhammad’s commands/example. So to call the Muslims who do not follow Muhammad’s commands ‘Muslim’ is a lot like calling the Westboro Baptists’ Christians. According to Muhammad, those are not Muslims, and according to Christ’s own words, the others are not Christians.

        But then, hey, we can’t say any of this because it’s ‘judging,’ and we all know we are not supposed to do that 🙂

        • Read the rules on the use of quotes, Joe, and then re-read my post.

          After that, you can aim your barrel elsewhere.

          • Hmmm,

            Augger, you are correct. I goofed, and have corrected my reply to reflect that.

            That said, I was reading your comment in the comment/reply section on the WordPress home page and it reads VERY different from the way it does on TRNLY. Same words, but the way they are arranged on the WP comment feed gives an entirely different feel to your comment (which is why I replied the way I did).

            My apologies. In the future, I’ll try to be more careful with the WP comment feed. I may have been misreading a lot more than I knew. 😦

            • Actually, I could also use a little editing myself to make the point a little more clear. Writing this stuff on a iphone comes with it’s own share of challenges.

      • Agree with you 100% Augger !!

        I would strongly add that.. “moderate muslims”.., ..”islam the religion of peace”.. and ..”hijacking their religion”.. are co-intel slogans made up to mask what is basically Civilization Jihad. Ultilizing the tactic of Low muslim populations in host countries use Victimhood as a weapon spread in the media and attempted for Special Status in the host country’s legal system.

        You are right here : “.. I do not need any of these local Muslim friends of mine lecturing me on how ISIS is not practicing Islam. They are in fact practicing what they perceive is the fundamental basis of Islam….”

        Were they “hijacking” islam when they invaded Spain in the 700s
        Were they “hijacking” islam when they destroyed indidenous cultures in Meopotamia, Persia, Egypt, Phoeniocian Libya, Parts of Africa.
        Were they “hijacking” islam when they invaded Europe under Charles Martel ?
        Were they “hijacking” islam when they attacked Europe in 1400s,… 1683 ?
        Were they “hijacking” islam when they attacked India and Indonesia?
        Were they”hijacking” islam when they hijacked airplanes in the 1970s ?????

        etc …. etc…. etc…..

        • None of those are “my positions”, Don. They are in fact, references to the silly arguments we get rammed down our throats daily, and are proffered as such.

          etc, etc, etc, etc, etc …

          • Sorry…..I am not following you at all.

            “moderate muslims”….”islam is the religion of peace” and ” hijacking their religion” you call Silly arguments right ??. I would agree if that’s what you are saying.
            I would also call those part of Civilization Jihad. Because the use of the Press and victimization is clearly defined within the documents discovered in 1979-1981. And those terms are part and parcel of creating the appearance of “victimization” of islam by the West

            The part of your other post which I put in quotes I agreed with 100 %… you disagreeing with that I also don’t get.

            As Re: the muslims using the violence perpetrated in the name of islam being ” a hijacking”…. I gave a brief list of examples of the continued violence throughtout the 1400 year history of islam. And so asking has islam ALWAYS been “hijacked”? Because violence has ALWAYS been a part of islam.

            So as I said by your comment above, I assume you don’t agree ? Even though you said ISIS IS practicing their perception of fundamental islam.

            I suppose the questions I asked remain open……. What were all those OTHER instances throught the 1400 year history ? ALL of which were carried out by the Highest authorities within islam of their time ?

            • If you are truly that lost, and not just being pugilistic, I invite you to read the addendum below. Otherwise, I have little more to offer.

              • OK, By your Addendum I understand us to agree !

                As to pugilistic…… I have always had more affinity with Labradors than Pure Pugs…… but hell….they’re all cute when it comes down to it.

      • Addendum for clarification:

        I think we need to get serious here Kells. Arabs are people, just like you. And as people, they have faith just like you. Now ask yourself a common sense question …

        If a group of people “hijacked” (an excuse we commonly hear from CAIR, muslims at large, and locals more specifically) your religion and were perpetrating acts of violence in the name of Lutheranism and yelling shit like “Sola gratia” while they are chopping off heads, blasting people with bombs, or shooting gays in Orlando … wouldn’t you rather define a clear contrast from your “religion of peace” (the most common description of Islam offered by Muslims, and this administration) and their twisted ideology so that the whole entire world understood that very important distinction?

        I damn well would.

        Make no mistake about this, we are gripped in a Holy War, and it has gone global. And we better get a pretty fucking good understanding who and what these enemies of the world believe in, and what to do about it. Pandering to “good Muslim” (as they also l like to call themselves, which makes no sense as “the bad ones” in the “good ones eyes” say that the “bad ones aren’t practicing Islam” in the first place) sensitivities are not going to get us to the goal of irradiating this evil theological threat (“evil theological threat” — my quote), and quite honestly … I do not need any of these local Muslim friends of mine lecturing me on how ISIS is not practicing Islam. They are in fact practicing what they perceive is the fundamental basis of Islam, and with that belief, they hare literally formed their own “sub version (if you will)” (not necessarily what I think) of that religion, and no matter what folks like Dr. Mubarak try to tell you … they wouldn’t stand face to face with a single one of them and tell them they were not practicing a version of Islam (because they know they are, and they know they would get shot, burned, or decapitated).

          • All that being said Joe, I do believe there are benevolent good folks here in town that practice Islam, and in their view, I believe they practice what they consider is a “good faith.”

            The problem is, none of these local “good Muslims” are willing to do anything more than lecture us on how evil ISIS is. I’ll start believing their intention when I see a few of them head on over and join our boys in the field in carrying out dangerous missions against ISIS and other radicals.

            If we remember our history well, our Union soldiers didn’t put much faith in the African slaves while those slaves weren’t being slaughtered in that Civil War of ideology. It wasn’t until slave blood was shed that the Union soldiers started giving them much respect. Same applies here in my mind.

            Color me choleric, but I am just sick and tired of seeing good American Christian boys (and atheist boys) coming home in body bags while a group of people who literally share the same faith put little to no skin in the game.

            • Augger,

              You are starting to get into an entirely different discussion — the religious side of this issue. The problem is, too few even understand religion anymore, let alone have the willingness to tackle it head-on. Even you admit that we are in a religious war, but only side-skirt the subject of religion.

              As for ‘good’ people in Islam. Well, I THINK I know what you meant, so I THINK I agree, but I’m not sure — and none of us can be sure because they are not only allowed to, but — in some cases — commanded to lie and deceive (part of the religious side I just mentioned). But I have said it before and I’ll say it again: I do believe that there are many trapped within Islam that would — if they could — have nothing to do with the religion.

              Anyway, as I said, there is a LENGTHY discussion here that we have not tackled in society or on TRNL. Not sure we even can, to be honest… 😦

              • I am saying that I think these people believe they are practicing a good form of the bad religion. It’s not all that uncommon for folks to pick out the aspects of any given faith (atheism included), and follow the parts of those religions that appeal to them. For example, if that weren’t the case, we wouldn’t have Pentecostals, Catholics, Lutherans, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, etc.

                Islam is no better, or different … even if they think they are.

                On a side bar, we could just agree to teach Kells a “Wewajitsu” lesson. We’ll just say that “it’s a good form of Karate.” And she could get good benefit from the lumps. 🙂

                • LOL, yeah, I think Kells might even mess that up, but we could try 🙂

                  And I know what you are saying. It’s just that it isn’t as simple as we like to think (hence the reference to a discussion we’ll likely never have 🙂 )

                  • Yeah she might. She can prolly whoop us. That’d sure mess things up quite a bit.

                    But it might be a nice thing too!

      • Hey, Augger! Let me answer your question: wouldn’t you rather define a clear contrast from your “religion of peace” and their twisted ideology so that the whole entire world understood that very important distinction? It’s interesting that you ask that as I have left my Lutheran branch. I don’t know if Muslims have different branches, but I would either leave the violent branch or leave the religion entirely if it went against my beliefs.

        I don’t pander to Muslims, but I’m not rude either. I believe the best way for our country to get a grip on this Holy War is to vote someone in who wants to put a stop to immigration. B. is very anti-Trump, but consider this: If you were importing cars that kept exploding, you would put a ban on importing them. It’s logical. So slap my ass and call me Sally cause I’m voting for Trump.

        • “I don’t know if Muslims have different ”

          Shi’a, Sunni, Wahabi, 12ers, etc.

          “I would either leave the violent branch or leave the religion entirely if it went against my beliefs.”

          Then you are NOT there because you believe in Allah, but for your own comfort — which is self-worship (something akin to what the Mormons have done, and every other group that broke from the Bible because they didn’t want to accept and obey God’s Word.

          And as for Trump: if you believe anything he says, you are as foolish as the people who believe Hillary. BOTH have demonstrated a long history of saying what they need to at the time, only to forget or even deny saying it when it no longer serves them.

        • I wasn’t opining on Trump-o-crat. I was talking about defining an enemy clearly, and not having to suffer through insufferable lectures from the would-be politically correct locals. Was not a difficult concept. 🙂

  3. “I have a Muslim friend” or I have many Muslim friends” if this is your position you are very dangerously close to being delusional in addition to ignorant.

    How about “I have a pet rattlesnake” or I have a safe loaded weapon. I can assure you the rattlesnake will bite you given the opportunity and that no loaded weapon can ever be considered safe.

    One would be highly ignorant and delusional in all the above circumstances. Why? They are likely the offspring of ignorant and delusional parents. Now how did we get to this point in America whereby over 50% of our citizenry are ignorant and delusional. Simply it was planned in advance and orchestrated deliberately by our masters in Washington DC and is now piped down to our state and local governments by dictates from on high. Either comply or face financial or personal ruin or imprisonment. Pravda now looks like the JV Team as propaganda has been taken to a whole new level. We now have a 24/7 365 days a year team of propagandist for the lazy ignorant and delusional citizenry. There is not one cable or over air news organization in the world much less United States that is going to ever broadcast the truth. At best you will only get competing views via the Internet but rest assured total control is going to fill this space as well. It just a matter of time.

    We have had a brief moment in history to live as free as people have ever been allowed to live by the reprobate human being(s) that seeks to rule over their fellow man. Look back through history and add the names of most US Presidents of the 20th century to the list. They and their useful idiots that run our government are all willing participants in the quest to enslave you. No they may not look like a Hitler, Stalin or Mao but they march to the same beat. In stead of the ovens, starvation or gulags they used a Central Bank, Income Tax System, Social Security, Welfare and Race to make you submit and give your sole away for glass beads and blankets. They used the public education system to dumb you down and become more interested in social engineering, multiculturalism and equalitarianism in lieu of studying history or God forbid the truth of mankind that is contained in the Christian Bible.

    Once God was removed from our schools the die was cast. All one has to do as look how fast we have progressed to become an evil and wicked people. We are now no different than the Jews in the Old Testament that tuned their backs to go to worship the gods and idols of their pagan neighbors. It cost them dearly and we will receive no different treatment.

    So continue on your merry way believing you are wiser than God and have it within your power, because you think you are a kind and loving person, that you can bow down to evil, submit to it and still come out unscathed.

    I could go on for ever but it does, at some point, seem one would have enough foresight to use a little logic and reason to see you are destroying yourself by your own hand. Like they say if you can’t save yourself then no one can. It has to become a personal choice but you do have that choice to make.

    Islam is a false religion, it is an evil retrograde political system of enslavement. Their is no redeeming aspects of it whatsoever. You cannot lie down without, associate with it or give it quarter.

    In the end it will bite you and most likely kill you if your ignorant enough to keep putting your hand in it’s mouth on purpose.

  4. Joe,
    Please don’t give up the conversation!

    Ideas and opinions allow us to make choices! Too many liberal/progressive opinions are
    rampant in the drive-by news media that many of the ignorant and ill-informed current population
    accept as “truth.”

    If ONE person has reason to think of what your words convey to his/her opinion regarding
    a choice of what truth really is, you have accomplished your duty!

    Conceding to brevity, I would again encourage you to return to your spirit of early posts
    that expressed your desire to enforce Truth! Ignorance is NOT bliss!


  5. Well, looks like the religion of peace had another fun party at the airport in Istanbul, Turkey. From news reports it was well attended and a lot of the quest decided to stay much longer than planned. The planners have let everyone know they have plans for further parties wherever large groups congregate.

    Globalist authorities welcomed the news. They have pledged to never let events like this go to waste. U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, has promised to supply additional party favors to the party planners as required to liven up the events. He later stressed that party goers will not be allowed to bring there own.

    In the event things gets out of hand free transportation will be provided to take incapacitated party goers to specified locations where there loved ones can pick them up.

    Invitations not required because events have been planned at numerous places to surprise all of those present.

    Are we blessed or not. It is really good to see how well the religion pf peace party planners and our government officials work together to support these efforts. Stay tuned for further after action reports from on future parties.

  6. Joe, You are quite proficient with WordPress; does WordPress have the ability to assemble a series of blog posts into an e-book format which could be downloaded to a flash drive or tablet? It would have to either put the linked items in-stream, or (if it is another blog post) reference the blog entry’s title and date since you can’t do links without the internet. These could be easily stored in an EMP-proof container. Your posts on theoyl and and Road to Concord (and their comment strings) would be valuable for instructing the young after the current order collapses. I assume some computers will survive that, too… A few hundred or thousand copies of your commentary on our times might help in avoiding the same mistakes again.

    • BillC,

      Honestly, I don’t know, but I can look into it. HOWEVER, I am nothing special. Mostly, I just compile and re-state what far wiser people than I have already said. If I do anything unique, it MIGHT be that I see connections where others do not, but this would be the only thing different about me. Otherwise, all you need are the Bible, the Declaration, Constitution, Madison’s notes on the Convention, the House notes on the Bill of rights, the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers and Locke’s treatise on government (maybe Hobb’s Leviathan as a comparison of what NOT to do). Those will do everything I have done and much more.

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