File this one Under “Duh!”

Here’s the story:

Teenagers ‘can be corrupted’ by Hollywood sex scenes

Watching sex scenes in Hollywood films can make children more promiscuous and sexually active from a younger age, a new study has suggested.

And the “proper” reaction:


[Note to Kells: I thought of that clip 😉 ]

18 thoughts on “File this one Under “Duh!”

  1. Now they can access even more explicit stuff online. I tell you, one day I was searching for a site and up pops this porno site. I truly wasn’t looking for it. This was on my son’s computer and it has the kiddie controls set up, so it was very odd.

    • 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.

      25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

      26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”


    • I don’t know how old your son is but you do realize that the kids know more about the computers than we do and know how to disable stuff that we have to call a tech person for.

      • My youngest is 12, and you’re probably right (especially compared to me.) Just the other day, I told him that a fella said to me there weren’t any “factions” on this Minecraft game (my son has a site admin there.) He replied that the guy is a noob. (I guess that’s supposed to mean newbie?)

    • I know I have explained this before;

      In child advocacy arena, counselors who dedicate their careers to helping children who have been sexually abused explain;


      The predator starts out by being “friends” and gaining the trust of the child victim. Once trust is established, then the specialization starts. Soft porn on the tv and in print on the coffee table. Then it advances from there.

      Thes adults who are pushing this stuff are no better than the child predators I’ve helped send to prison.

      When is everyone going to wake up ? ! ?

      • Not until something happens to THEIR child: then it will be a national emergency.

        BTW: I told people that the push to “normalize” gay marriage would lead to people calling for the normalization of polygamy (seen that TV show yet?); pedophilia (are you aware of NAMBLA?) and even bestiality (have you followed the court cases pushing to make this legal?). I won’t mention necrophilia – the Islamists have already declared that legal (at least for the first 6 hours after death).

        When things start to fall apart, do NOT give the people who were nay-saying us. They had enough warning and ridiculed those of us baring those warnings long enough. Just close the doors and let the waters wash away their drag on society.

  2. Pingback: Blames Hollywood – NOT “Gun Culture” | The Rio Norte Line

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