Debate Thoughts And Red Carpets For Islamist Radicals

I don’t know – the debate was kind of “meh” to me. Romney did his presidential thing, got in a few hits but I expected an evisceration of Obama’s policies due to Benghazi and didn’t get it. I guess Romney figures that the sheer weight of the facts will eventually overwhelm them on this one and he…

Musings on a Melancholy Monday

Almost titled:  End of the Journey I was working in my yard this morning; cutting grass, pruning small trees, etc., when I noticed a Monarch butterfly flitting about the Lantana that grows on the sunny side of my home.  It’s once-beautiful red/orange and black markings were faded to near transparency, and it’s wings were ragged and in…

Obama Administration Opens White House Doors to Fascists

Well, not quite, but that is how this headline might read…if this were the 1930’s: A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House A year-long investigation by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has found that scores of known radical Islamists made hundreds of visits to the Obama White House, meeting with top administration…

Italy: Earthquake Scientists Sentenced to Six Years In Jail For Underestimating Risk

Not really sure that this is a good idea with earthquake prediction but I support it wholeheartedly with “climate science” practitioners: L’Aquila earthquake scientists sentenced to six years in jail. Six Italian scientists and a government official have been found guilty in a watershed trial of multiple manslaughter for underestimating the risks of the L’Aquila 2009 earthquake.…

Reminding Voters About THE LAW = “Voter Suppression”

Unless you are among the growing number of Americans who are leaving Pravda West and seeking their news from “alternative” sources, you probably won’t hear anything about this story: 140 Anti-Voter Fraud Billboards in Ohio & Wis. to Be Taken Down Amid Cries of ‘Voter Suppression’ One hundred and forty billboards in the swing states…

On The Eve Of The Decisive Foreign Policy Debate, Faced With A Choice Between Coverup And Incompetence, The Obama Administration Chooses Incompetence

According to the New York Times: Even as Susan E. Rice took to the Sunday talk shows last month to describe the Obama administration’s assessment of the Sept. 11 attack on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, intelligence analysts suspected that the explanation was outdated. Ms. Rice, the United States ambassador to the United…

Obama: MY Economy About To Crash!

First, let me remind you of what the President said about low gas prices: Now, let me draw your attention to this story: Gas prices could soon drop 50 cents a gallon USA TODAY – Autumn gasoline prices are about to drop faster than fall foliage. With inventories rising and demand waning, gasoline prices could…

Media: Obama Can’t Build a Dictatorship Without “Breaking A Few Eggs”

Well, that is essentially what the have been saying, isn’t it? Joe Klein: Benghazi Consulate Controversy ‘The October Mirage – It Really Isn’t An Issue’ After New York Times White House correspondent Helene Cooper called the death of four Americans “peripheral to what’s going on right now” on Meet the Press, Time magazine’s Joe Klein…

Obama to Join International Dictator Club?

While the title may sound a bit provocative to many Americans, it shouldn’t. After all, we are known by our friends: Chavez, Castro, Putin: Four more years! The latest [dictator] to publicly announce his support for the commander-in-chief’s reelection bid was Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, who this week assured he’d vote for Obama if he were…

Wine Shortages In Europe

First of all…not my fault. I have enjoyed plenty but not that much… Vintners in Europe said they are bracing for the worst harvest in half a century. Drought, hail and cold weather have hit the region hard, with France and Italy being especially impacted by bad weather. According to AP, the European wine harvest typically…