While Everyone Else is Talking Politics…

This is sort of a reoccurring theme for me, and one for which I am constantly attacked by those on the RNL who tend to hold views more to the Left of the American political spectrum, but I just can’t get past the parallels. Here, just read these two headlines and the links I post…

4 years from now “rationalizing” will replace rhythmic gymnastics in the Summer Olympic Games in Rio.

So Just How DO You Say “Solyndra” In Mandarin?

Cuz they got a bigger “green jobs” problem than Obama: China in recent years established global dominance in renewable energy, its solar panel and wind turbine factories forcing many foreign rivals out of business and its policy makers hailed by environmentalists around the world as visionaries. But now China’s strategy is in disarray. Though worldwide…

New MSNBC Logo: Mostly Socialist Network [for] Black Communists

MSNBC becomes more racist every day, so in recognition of that, they have changed their logo to more accurately reflect their new direction: Lean Racist. Mostly Socialist Network for Black Communists. Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters chronicles this descent into madness, led by one of their new “stars”, the confirmed racist, Toure: TOURE: They live in an alternate…

More Lies…

…from the Romney Obama Campaign: After the [Paul Ryan] event, the Obama campaign put out a statement mentioning Morrison’s [Romney/Ryan supporter]  question, saying Ryan “can’t attend his own campaign rallies without being called out for failing to provide specifics about what Mitt Romney would do if elected.” Except that wasn’t the case according to a…