Ignorant Bitter Clingers, Huh?

Heh. So Republicans are more knowledgeable than Democrats, contrary to what many would like to believe. According to whom?  None other than the Pew Research Center, a left-of-center organization.  Moreover, Pew’s latest survey only reaffirms previous surveys demonstrating the same result. In fact, the results weren’t even close. In a scientific survey of 1,168 adults…

Well, Isn’t This a Surprise…

..Not. Saad al-Katatny elected head of Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, says goal is to “institute Islamic Sharia law.” Saad al-Katatny was elected chairman of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, the Freedom and Justice Party, Egyptian media reported Friday. He beat out FJP’s acting leader Essam al- Erian in a vote that took…

Attack Of The Ivy League Assholes

Too good not to call attention to at NRO’s The Corner: The most important question in this year’s presidential election is not “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” or “What about your gaffes?” or even “Joe Biden said what?” No, the key inquiry comes from none other than John Cusack, the eternally…

Rule 5: Micro Bikini Analysis

It has been a while since we had a Rule 5 post. We have been mired in the grind of politics and it is getting pretty serious around here, so I thought it was time to shake it up a bit with some crass objectification of women in actual binders – so here goes… A…