April 15th: Payday For 40% Of America

It means something else to the rest of us: “For well more than one of every three Americans, April 15th isn’t tax payment day, it’s payday from Uncle Sam.” So writes Stephen Moore in his latest book, Who’s the Fairest of Them All?, after analyzing who pays federal income taxes and who receives tax credits from the…

Evidence Suggest Obama Really Doesn’t Run the White House

So, who runs the White House? We know who is supposed to run it: the President. But that would mean the people working inside the White House and on behalf of the Administration would be assumed to be working for the President, as well — wouldn’t it? So why is the White House contradicting Obama’s…

J. Robert Oppenheimer

“Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” The Institute for Advanced Study has a brief history of Oppenheimer and says this: Oppenheimer’s concern for the general public’s lack of scientific understanding, and the difficulty of conveying the content of scientific discoveries as well as the exhilaration of the creative act of discovery to…

Investor’s Business Daily Trumps Moochelle

Michelle says we are in the middle of a huge recovery… IBD says: “Well, Sweetie, maybe in the DC party circuit but not in Peoria.”:     Reagan did it better and for longer: Michelle Obama recently described this recovery as “huge.” Maybe she forgot what decade it is. The Reagan recovery in the ’80s…

Another Example of Liberal/Progressives Redefining Words for Political Gain

You probably will not see this story, but it is an Australian equivalent of the story associated with Crowley’s comment about Romney being correct, just using the wrong word: Australian misogyny row leads to dictionary definition change Julia Gillard’s fiery speech attacking misogyny has prompted Australia’s Macquarie Dictionary to redefine the word from “hatred of…

Illustrating Liberal/Progressive Word Manipulation

In the past, I have beat my head against the wall trying to explain how crucial language and words are to the Progressive ideology. The Progressive sincerely believes they can change the spirit of an issue by changing the word or terminology used to describe it. That is how a war stops being a war…