The Real War on Women…and Men

I have to wonder what is really at the root of the so called “contraception controversy” and the so-called Republican “war on women”.

When I say that I am puzzled by the attention to this issue, I don’t mean that I am at a loss to explain the political aspects of it – because those are pretty clear to me.

This was somewhat curiously raised as a “issue” first in the New Hampshire Republican debate on January 7th by ABC anchor (and Democratic operative) George Stephanopoulos. At that time; my reaction was “Huh, what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?” In retrospect, it now seems that Stephie was just telegraphing the next punch from the Obama campaign. Since them the controversy has been furthered by the attempts by the Obama administration to force Catholic hospitals to act in direct contradiction to their core beliefs and now the Sandra “Democrat Inflatable Sex Toy” Fluke controversy. This whole manufactured issue seems to have been choreographed by the Democrats and the left-leaning media from the very start.

I don’t see this working out well for the Democrats because it has boomeranged on them to expose:

None of this has anything to do with contraception and all it is serving to do is to put the Democrats and their hypocritical supporters back on their heels, revealing just how disingenuous and duplicitous they are.

Epic FAIL.  All your base are belong to us.

What I do have difficulty understanding is why there is a debate over contraception at all.

It will probably come as no surprise to any of our readers –  but I think that the root of the issue rests less in biology of the human body and more in the corrupt ideology of “progressivism” and its callous disregard for natural laws.

I hope that what follows doesn’t sound sexist because I don’t mean it to be -the biological facts, as they say, are what they are.

It seems to me that the “progressive” ideology with respect to contraception is an attempt to deny the simply natural and biological fact that the female of species was designed to bear children. Whether you believe in God and intelligent design or don’t believe in Him and hew to evolution as an explanation for humans, it is an incontrovertible fact that a woman’s body has been designed for this purpose.

The male body is not designed for that purpose. Get over it. Men can’t change that. That is also an indisputable fact of nature.

I have no issue with any woman exercising whatever anti-conception methodology as she decides to use. I also have no issues with the ladies refusing to use any form based on their religious beliefs. Neither is at issue with me. I also have no issue with abstinence until marriage or even celibacy. I don’t even care if you do it like a pack of crazed rabbits…because of Nature and Nature’s God; there are consequences with each choice. As long as the individuals involved in the act understand that, then I say go for it.

What I do find a bit confounding is the lack of recognition that this debate has become less matter of biology and far more a political hot potato.

It seems to me to be more about “progressive” ideology attempting to cheat nature to create a false “equality” between male and female, a sort of androgynous society where humans are essentially asexual. It appears to be just yet another effort by “progressives” and secular humanists to deny the existence of God and to say to Nature – “you made a mistake, we know better”.

I think this also explains the societal efforts to feminize men, to disadvantage boys in the educational system, to de-emphasize the traditional role of the male as the “stronger” (and more violent) sex and the “progressive” support for all things gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender – it blurs the boundaries set by Nature’s God and allows the human to become a god by claiming that those biological rules no longer matter.

The basis for the contraception debate seems now to be the same as abortion. While it is couched as reproductive “freedom” with the “freedom” part the attempt to deny the biological inevitability of a pregnancy being the result of sex, this isn’t about not having a baby, it is about women being able to have as much sex as they want while mimicking the consequences of the male of the species. It is about creating the androgyny that was previously mentioned.

Humans, in the guise of a state or a government, cannot legislate or regulate away the natural order of our world any more than they can legislate away natural law or natural rights…but it doesn’t stop them from trying.

Look, there are trade-offs to being a man – shorter life span (women live on average 7 years longer), longer work lives, greater risk for diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and so on… the point being that our biology and our societal roles are different.

While I absolutely agree that your body is yours to do with what you will, attempting to deny the designs of Nature and God by taking a pill, inserting an IUD or wearing a condom will do absolutely nothing to change those designs.

I’m all for equality – and there is no doubt that I love women (I’m a flaming heterosexual) – but let’s just be clear about why we are even talking about contraception in a political sense.

Smitty at The Other McCain has “flukisms” that apply here.

6 thoughts on “The Real War on Women…and Men

  1. Spin alert:
    The opposition has photographic proof of your participation in a heterosexual parade on St. Patrick’s Day, Utah. I suggest we release the picture of you holding hands with the King of Saudi Arabia to defuse this situation.

  2. Pingback: The Truth EXPOSED! part 3c | RicheousIndigNation

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