TRUE Political Red Meat: Obama Accepts ‘Osama bin Laden’ Donations

This is too good to miss. It should also SCREAM to people about how well Obama can actually administrate the nation because it demonstrates — beyond shadow of a doubt — that he is either corrupt and will take money from ANYONE, or he actually IS utterly, completely and totally incompetent:

Obama accepts ‘Osama bin Laden’ donations

WASHINGTON – Using a Pakistani Internet Protocol, or IP address, a disposable credit card and a fake address, “Osama bin Laden” has successfully donated twice to Barack Obama’s presidential re-election campaign.

The “Bin Laden” donations, actually made by WND staff, included a listed occupation of “deceased terror chief” and a stated employer of “al-Qaida.”
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“Bin Laden” is currently set up on the official campaign website to contribute more to Obama’s campaign. The name is also registered as a volunteer.

Since the “foreign” contribution was sent, “Bin Laden’s” email address has received several solicitations from Obama’s campaign asking for more donations.

17 thoughts on “TRUE Political Red Meat: Obama Accepts ‘Osama bin Laden’ Donations

  1. I tell you, my sister actually was an actor in one of those special-op training courses. She got to play this Russian terrorist. I’m so jealous. I don’t think they had any idea (neither do you boys) that I am actually an international super spy. My code name is Natasha. I won’t divulge who Boris is.

  2. yawn. Do you know ANYTHING about credit cards and fraud? Let’s see. I’ve turned over tens of thousands of stolen credit card numbers (I stopped counting at roughly the half-million mark) to CC companies (who don’t care- because they make money selling the dept to collection agencies), then to contacts at the MET Police (UK) and the FBI (same results- nothing was done).

    Merchants have no fraud protection of their own- it comes down to Mastercard, Visa, etc…

    In this case- if the prepaid card was sucessfully registered with fradulent info, no merchant in the world would catch the fraud. A CVC code? Who cares- a prepaid card the holder would have it. As would 99% of stolen cards- which cost pennies, or dollars if they come with COB (change of billing= mothers maiden name, zip code+/or full billing address, last 4 of SS#).

    I guarantee you I go and get a prepaid card right now and donate to Romney in the name of adolph hitler, pol pot, joseph stalin, ayn rand..and what does it prove other then the deregulation of CC companies at the hands of republicans? Hell, for about $500 I could have either candidates accounts flooded with millions in donations, done by bots, using stolen CC’s, that won’t be recognized as fradulent until weeks or months after the election.

    So just what do you think this nonsense “proves”???

    • My oh my … such a demonstrative argument to support a “yawn” response.

      In fact, your “yawn” would have been enough for me Drugs. The rest … hyperventilation worthy of mild nausea.

      • ah yes augger. Ignore the reality if it doesn;t fit what you want to believe.

        So try this one- today, I went and got 4 $25 prepaid cards. Set them up with bogus info (2- the exact same info the wingnut daily news used, one as pol pot, one as hitler. (all with legitimate US zipcodes).

        3 donations to Obama. one to Romney. And guess what. all 4 were “Accepted”. my cards were charged. One of the Obama donations has already been kicked back. And I’d wager the remaining %75 the other 3, from both camps, will be in the next 72 hrs.

        Ah well- I can still use the cards to buy gas. which is currently about 5 cents more expensive then the average during the last two years of Bush, despite a refinery fire and “mechanical issues” at another, and “maintenance” at 2 others that have sent prices soaring in my state…

      • and ah yes. a little googling turns up this:

        Obama Campaign Responds to Michael Barone on Credit Card Procedures for Fundraising
        Posted on May 7, 2012 12:36 pm by Rick Hasen
        In this post, I linked to Michael Barone’s incendiary charges of “thuggery” related to the Obama campaign’s supposed failure of the campaign to use “AVS” (address verification) for credit card donations. Barone’s claim is that this allowed for fraudulent transactions or worse.

        The Obama campaign sends along the following response:

        “Credit card contributions to Obama for America are, in fact, processed using AVS (Address Verification System).

        “If a billing address is verified via AVS, then the credit card contribution is processed without delay. Some transactions caught by AVS may initially appear to a donor to have been accepted even though this is not the case. Obama for America employs a manual process to review any transaction flagged by AVS, also taking into account other fraud risk factors, and using fraud detection services provided by our credit card processor.

        “As an example, the contribution discussed here may have initially appeared to have gone through when the donor completed the transaction at 10:18 a.m. but it was rejected at 4:51 p.m. under our standard fraud detection procedures.

        “So any claims that Obama for America has disabled AVS are inaccurate; any question about this would have been answered–if the question had been asked.”

      • and ah yes. a little googling turns up this:

        Obama Campaign Responds to Michael Barone on Credit Card Procedures for Fundraising
        Posted on May 7, 2012 12:36 pm by Rick Hasen
        In this post, I linked to Michael Barone’s incendiary charges of “thuggery” related to the Obama campaign’s supposed failure of the campaign to use “AVS” (address verification) for credit card donations. Barone’s claim is that this allowed for fraudulent transactions or worse.

        The Obama campaign sends along the following response:

        “Credit card contributions to Obama for America are, in fact, processed using AVS (Address Verification System).

        “If a billing address is verified via AVS, then the credit card contribution is processed without delay. Some transactions caught by AVS may initially appear to a donor to have been accepted even though this is not the case. Obama for America employs a manual process to review any transaction flagged by AVS, also taking into account other fraud risk factors, and using fraud detection services provided by our credit card processor.

        “As an example, the contribution discussed here may have initially appeared to have gone through when the donor completed the transaction at 10:18 a.m. but it was rejected at 4:51 p.m. under our standard fraud detection procedures.

        “So any claims that Obama for America has disabled AVS are inaccurate; any question about this would have been answered–if the question had been asked.”

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