What A Loser I Am

At least that is what I’m told.

While the left enjoys their temporary victory and idiot Republicans trip over themselves to become Democrat Lite, the left is taking perverse pleasure in explaining to us what we have to do to be “relevant” and win elections.

We are called losers. If Republicans do the same thing that was done in Bush’s second term that lost them control of Congress, they are destined to become the “loyal opposition”, the minority party for another 40 years just as in the days when House Minority Leader Bob Michel was the “go along to get along” Republican leader.

In short – losers.

Well, no matter what happens in the next election cycle, I’ll never be a loser.

I’ll never be a loser because I will never presuppose to have a claim on anything that someone else earns through hard work or inherits through luck or just pure good fortune. I’ll never be angry or envious that someone has more than I do and I will never try to vote myself a share of another’s wealth. I’ll never ask you or government to take care of me.

I’ll never think less of myself because I don’t have as much money as Donald Trump or Warren Buffett – and I won’t think worse of them, either.

I swear by my life and the love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

– John Galt (Ayn Rand)

Why? Because taking care of my family (and myself) is my responsibility and mine alone. It is not for you to do, not for government to do and I will not ask that anyone share the “burden” of me. I don’t need you to be concerned about my health care, what I eat or if I decide to take up BASE jumping or decide to eat fried chicken three meals a day. I don’t need you to finance my retirement or college for my kids. I don’t need you to provide free birth control or abortion “services” to my daughter.


All I ask in return is that it be respected that my life and the production of my efforts belong to me to do with as I choose, not have that choice made for me – John Locke, remember?

I’ll also never compromise my faith for political gain. I’ll never disavow that God guides my life and the life of America. I’ll always believe that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were divinely inspired and that God blessed America with the intersection of history and the inspired intellect of some very brave men.

I’ll never agree that abortion is a medical procedure no matter the size of the Republican “tent”.

I’ll never agree that America should surrender her sovereignty at the altar of open borders and political correctness.

I’ll never agree that racism, sexism and bigotry are equal to disagreeing with a Democrat.

I’ve worked my way from a dirt-poor beginning to be one of those people who Obama thinks won’t miss a little more taxation. I actually would expect a thank you note from the people who voted for Obama because I’ll be the kind of person who will be expected to pay for all the “free stuff” you lefties want and have tyrannically voted me to provide you.

What happens when there are no “rich” left to tax? What will you do then?

Let me see if I get this right…

  • Because I took the time and expense to learn about financial markets, the oil business, management theory and engineering,
  • Because I sacrificed by driving the same vehicle for 285,000 miles and rebuilding the engine and transmission twice by myself in my garage, not buying my first new vehicle until I was 36 years old,
  • Because my wife and I didn’t live outside our means and saved to pay for our children’s education,
  • Because we didn’t live a lavish, credit card financed life to have things on credit that we couldn’t afford and instead, invested and saved,
  • Because I have worked my ass off my entire life, growing up on a working farm and having my first paying job at 14 and,
  • Because you are either too young, too undisciplined or too lazy to do or have done the same,

…I now owe you more of what I have already earned and what I will earn for the rest of my life?

My resentment is due to the fact that what it took me, not 10, not 20, but 30 years of toil to earn and grow through savings and investment, Obama now wants to take from me with the stroke of a pen and therefore, take it from my kids – all to give to those who weren’t willing to do the things that I have done or to sacrifice, save and plan as I have.

Spare me that crap that this is about roads, bridges, schools and “investments”. When two thirds (67%) of the federal spending is for Social Security (20%), Medicare/Medicade (23%), interest on the debt (6%) and other “discretionary” spending (18%), its not about roads and bridges, it is about transfer payments – redistribution of wealth.


You collectivists are after “the rich” just as every communist mob in history has been and for the same reason as always.


Envy brought about by your own failure, fear and greed. Modest though it be, you want what I have because I have it. You and your cronies in government have maxed out your credit cards while I have been saving and now you want to confiscate my wealth to pay for your extravagance.

Except this isn’t Tsarist Russia. Never has been. America has no royalty, no class or caste system. You had exactly the same opportunity as I had when I was born to a housewife and a brick mason who lived in a 900 square foot, 2 bedroom house on a gravel road in unincorporated Union County outside New Albany, Mississippi 53 years ago.

Neither Obama nor you are entitled to my “little bit more”, my children are…and I am not entitled to anything of yours.

Collectivists always speak of “the rich” as if they woke up one morning to find a magic lamp and the genie inside just granted them wealth. Not all “rich” are overnight FaceBook or Google millionaires, most of the “rich” have attained that status at the end of a very long road and a series of setbacks.

I’ve detailed my journey of failure and success as an example of why I dismiss the idea that people can’t get ahead in America today because if I can do it, anybody can.

I’ve noticed that these “progressives”, proto-Marxists, crypto-communists or whatever they want to be called these days are some of the most fatalistic people on earth. Everything is a zero sum game to them and they want to stop the game right now and divvy up the shares in equal measure – because they think that they deserve it…and if they don’t stop the merry-go-round and get it now, someone might take it from them, or God forbid, make more than they do.

I started thinking about the thought processes that you have to have to believe that:

  • To people who haven’t worked hard to achieve, hard work and achievement have no meaning.
  • To people who have no ambition, ambition means nothing and those who have it are selfish and evil.
  • To people who haven’t earned success, success is evil and should be punished.
  • For people who depend on others, self-sacrifice means nothing – sacrifice means giving up something you have in service to something or somebody else. One who achieves nothing has nothing to sacrifice.
  • For people who create no value, value has no meaning.
  • For people who have failed in capturing the opportunities that life presents, opportunity has no value, it is outcomes that must be equalized, not access to opportunities.
  • To people who have no private property, private property should not exist.
  • To people who have little personal responsibility, responsibility is a corporate concept where people who are responsible must support those who aren’t.
  • To people who want instant gratification, patience means little.
  • To people who don’t plan for their own future, planning has no value.
  • To people who don’t save and invest, saving and investment is just something that rich people do and should be taxed.
  • To people who lack confidence, self-determination, self-reliance in independence mean nothing.
  • To people who do not believe in self-control via natural law, government law and regulation is the answer.
  • To people who hold relativist values, real values have no meaning.
  • For people who do not know and understand the past, there is no future.
  • For people who believe there is no such thing as objective truth, there is no truth, only subjective opinion.
  • For people who are secular humanists, ending a potential human life by killing a fetus is not murder, it is “health care”.
  • For people who have no true compassion, the welfare state is the answer because that way they never have to think about the destruction that dependency causes and they never have to actually see the poor and destitute, go to the inner city or get their hands dirty.
  • For people who don’t believe that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, they believe that Islam is compatible with American values.
  • For people who deny God’s laws, any act can be justified, no matter how vile or heinous.
  • When people don’t believe in the Word of God, God is but a collection of words in a book.

Yeah, I know. Sort of random, wasn’t it?

Now that I have that out of my head, maybe I can think about making some more money by manipulating the oil market or repressing a small third-world country. Around my flat here in Edinburgh, we call that “Saturday”.


47 thoughts on “What A Loser I Am

  1. If the government forces a woman to have a child, then the government has a stake in the child’s welfare. But forcing a woman to carry a fetus to term would make a mockery of your random high-mindedness, as delineated above, or is your concept of freedom literally limited to MEN?

    • If the government wants to take up the responsibility for someone else’s poor choices, then let the government get a job, and earn the money to pay for it. But that does not fit your little communist mentality, or agenda, now does it Greg? If you were truly concerned about the rights of people, you would have addressed a man’s right in the situation described above, or is your concept of freedom literally limited to WOMEN?

      How about I give you a free pack of bubble gum or two, so that you can run along and be happy for a couple of hours reveling in the fact that you got something from a rich guy? Would that make you happy? You can tell your little Marxist buddies that you “stuck it to the man!”.

        • “Augger, you make no sense, men cannot get pregnant.”

          Well no sh*t ding-dong. But what if he wants to raise the child? After all, he is the parent too, right? C’mon man, you should have known this.

          (bangs head) … what was I thinking? It’s you we are talking about here.

    • No, idiot. The “government” doesn’t have a role at all. There’s nothing “high minded” about it, the only reason that it looks “high” to you is that you have such low expectations.

      By your logic, we should just legalize murder because it is a burden on society to put the murderer in prison…oh, and it hurts their self esteem, too.

      • By your logic, Rhode Island (A small and petty state, more suited to your character), we should check every woman every month, just to make sure that she isn’t pregnant, then keep tabs on the pregnant women so as to ensure that they do not terminate the pregnancy on their own.
        You see, most Americans see your attitude for what it is, you want freedom to do what you want, and the power to control what others do with their own bodies, you utter hypocrite.

        • You see, most Americans see your attitude for what it is, you want freedom to do what you want, and the power to control what others do with their own bodies, you utter hypocrite.

          1 — The unborn has his/her own body. Asking the government to protect the most vulnerable in our society is central to what a republic is supposed to be about. How much more vulnerable can you get than to be an unborn person whose mother wants to kill you because she doesn’t want to be bothered with the responsibility of her “poor choice?” In this case, the unborn has no “right” to control over their bodies.

          2 — Funny how the murder of an unborn citizen is supported as protecting the mother from her poor choice, yet the same people justify STEALING from those who work to give to others because they are “less fortunate.” In these cases, the Left has no problem forcing people to work for them. those people have no “right” to control over their bodies.

          Seems to me that, in both cases, the real issue is a justification for NOT TAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF!

          A common trait among those with a Leftist mentality, and utterly devoid of any sense of rationality or morality.

    • If the government forces a woman to have a child, then the government has a stake in the child’s welfare.

      Friends: that is the perfect illustration of the mentality we are dealing with on the Left. The simple truth is, UNLESS SHE WAS RAPED, no one EVER “forces” a woman to have a child — SHE CHOOSES TO DO SO WHEN SHE SPREADS HER LEGS!!!

      It’s called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, Greg — learn to accept and live with it sometime and things might go better for you and the rest of the FSA.

      • Personal responsibility has no meaning to people like Greg. I keep saying it over, and over, and over again.

        They want what you have, on their terms, now, and they do not care how they get it as long as they do not have to pay for it, and you do. Greg will make a fine General in the Free Sh*t Army. He has all of Pelosi’s logic, and talking points down to a science.

        • I think it is pure evil on YOUR part for saying it is better to murder than to give the child up for adoption.

          And before you give me this clap-trap about it not being murder — DON’T! If I took the DNA from that unborn and placed it at the scene of a staged crime, I could make it so you went to jail for murder. Hard to do if the unborn is not a person.

        • “So a 15 year-old should be forced to to have a child because of an error in judgment? That is pure evil on your part.”

          No ding-dong. I am saying that the f*****g innocent bystander (the tax payer) should not have to pay for some other dumb-a**es error in judgement.

          Just what exactly is warped inside of your noodle that makes you think anyone else is responsible for her (and his) actions?

          • Augger, they have created a bunch of folks with no understanding of right and wrong or that know what personal responsibility is. That’s what happens when the MARXIST education system teaches America’s young about sex, straight, oral and homosexual.

            Then they come up pregnant or WORSE.

            Augger, why don’t you do a post on Sexually Transmitted Diseases in our young people, because, its most important to “feel good”….. even thought the repercussions are life threatening.

            • You know Tex … sometimes it’s like beating your head against the wall. Like yourself, and many others here … the burden of raising other people’s kids (even when their in their 50s and 60s now) gets to be quite a heavy burden that I feel falls on deaf ears.

              I’m not sure I have it in me to tackle a big topic like STDs after how the other medical topic went. I’m not sure it would impact anyone at all, really. I’d be just as happy to never have to treat another one in the ER in my life again, but I am sure there are those here that would assert that it’s just job security for me.

              ::: shakes head :::

              • Your circumcision post keeps getting lots of views. I think an STD post would as well. I had a difficult time finding a concise article to discuss STD’s with my boys.
                Luckily, we have several friends who are doctors who were quite blunt with them.
                Additionally, a good friend of mine who is a “divorce lawyer” here, shares with me all the divorces caused by spouses,(of both sexes) who contract an STD to end their marriage…

                • The long and the short of it (pardon the pun) is:

                  “If your dumb enough to stick it in there, at least be smart enough to glove up!”. 🙂

                  Seriously man, I will think about it. Fair enough?

                • Thanks for entertaining the idea.

                  My other friend who is an internist tells me STD’s are rampant in the over 65 crowd with all the erection drugs now….
                  Oh yeah, our tax dollars pay for viagra, et al. so our seniors can have a good time in the retirement home…

                  That begs the question: How many dollars a year does Medicare and medicaid pay for “sexual performance” medicines?

  2. And Utah, when you do run for Public Office, instead of getting a gold grille that says “Utah-Bitches” (though its a good one), get one that says “Utah-Loser”. I suppose you can get both. Both will resonate well. 🙂

    In fact, we should all band together and open a chain of corner pubs that takes EBT cards. We can call it “Losers”. That way, we can generate more income for the proto-Marixsts.

  3. I guess I’m the only winner here because I just finished my Thanksgiving shopping. And you wanna know the beauty part? The grocery store was empty! Enjoy the crowds……………….losers!

  4. I am dismayed and saddened by so many that REFUSE to open their minds and eyes to the basic principles of greatness we stand for.

    At the same time I’m regularly surprised by people who are awakening and realizing, the Federal Politicians and the Federal Bureaucracy they represent, along with MOST American MEDIA are liars.

    For the first time in my lifetime, more than 20 years of actually thinking about, and on, OUR Founding principles, I KNOW I am not alone.

    As things get worse, as we absolutely understand they will, We must remain UPBEAT, and EDUCATIVE (?) to those who are realizing, “something is wrong, things aren’t as they have been portrayed and taught to us”. We must learn how to welcome the sincerely curious with open arms, not cause them to recoil in fear back to the safety of their “known darkness”.

  5. Right Texas!…As I mentioned in my comments on the thread “Is it time to leave the Republican Party”..

    Obama’s total for 2012 = 62,610,717………6,846,180 LESS than 2008.
    Romney total for 2012 = 59,136,717…………798,097 Less than 2008.
    G Johnson Total 2012 = 1,191,420.

    Thus total Romney/Johnson votes, ie Conservative & Libertarian votes = 60,328,137
    Marxist/Union and FSA Welfare “gimmee” votes = 62,610,717
    Difference = 2,282,580.

    That’s only a difference of 1.86 % people !!!!……
    It means that 49 % in this election DO STILL believe in American values as expressed by Utah………And If the Conservative/Libertarian message could get out more vocally then a significant proportion of Obama’s almost 7 Million voters could be reached……they didn’t like either candidate did they ! This must be the focus for 2014 Midterms !

  6. Since we are on the topic of abortion, I think this article is worth a read. Here is a snippet:

    “I have always been opposed to abortion on moral grounds. Frankly, however, my opinion isn’t very relevant since the Supreme Court has held that there is a constitutional right to abortion. But there are a few areas that are still open for discussion. One of them is infanticide. It seems to me that no matter how we feel about abortion, we ought to be able to agree that babies that are born alive shouldn’t be killed. And yet the Democrats haven’t been willing to join us in opposing infanticide. President Obama voted against a bill that would have outlawed infanticide when he was a state senator in Illinois, and most Democrats, including my opponent, are in favor of partial-birth abortion, which is nothing but infanticide under a different name. So I suggest you ask my opponent: is he willing to buck his party and come out against infanticide, including partial birth abortion?”


  7. Finally, Utah, you’ve written a headline I can agree with.

    And despite the fact that I’ve probably spent more years in school than you have but chose to use my education to educate other people’s kids rather than enriching myself, didn’t buy my first (and last) new car until I was 39 (a 1998 Ford Escort, which is one of two cars I still own–the other is a 1997 Ford pickup bought used); got my first paying job when I was 13 (bucking hay bales), live in a small house built in 1949, make far less money and probably pay a bigger percentage of it in taxes than you do, and obviously am not “too young, too undisciplined or too lazy” to be as special as you are, I don’t believe that you now owe ME more of what you have already earned and what you will earn for the rest of my life.

    But yes, I think your taxes should be higher, while agreeing with you that much federal spending could be cut. And I’d bet that Congress–including the Republicans–is about to agree with me. I have to laugh about the idiots who idolize Ronald Reagan, who raised taxes repeatedly and under whom tax rates were far higher than they are now.

    And yes, your list (and your post in general) is “sort of random,” marked by the bitterness and ad hominems that have been indicative of your writing since you were proven so convincingly wrong about how the election would turn out. You once were about the only regular poster here worth reading, and who actually demonstrated the intelligence and wit to persuade others of your views. Too bad that you chosen to kiss that off in favor of whining to the choir–virtually all of which will vote Republican in the next presidential election despite their current wailing.

    • I tell you, SBJ, I think what the U.S. needs is a Fair Tax. In January 2013, the estate tax returns at 55%! That’s ludicrous!

      The problem politicians have (in my opinion) with a Fair Tax is that it will 1) Eliminate newly minted govt. IRS workers. 2) It will ease the convolutedness of our tax code, thereby making it more simple to see that people are getting screwed. And 3) It will lessen the amount of our money drawn that they can spend in D.C.

      Unfortunately, it seems both the R’s and D’s are in on this song and dance…..

      • “In January 2013, the estate tax returns at 55%!”

        What are you talking about, Kells? Most people pay none. And by the way, Founding Father Thomas Paine and others thought it ought to be a lot higher than that, to avoid the problem of “inherited royalty.” After all, we pretend that we care about equality of opportunity in this country, and yet have no problem with a millionaire’s kid getting a huge head start over poorer kids–despite the fact that the kids themselves did nothing to “earn” the inheritance.

        And of course the ihheritance tax has almost nothing to do with the income tax code as a whole.

        • I was referring to this: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/16/ranchers-farmers-brace-for-death-tax-impact/ (The video is pretty interesting.)

          I tell you, James, a person’s wealth should be distributed in the mannner of his/her choosing. They earned it. I mean, why should I be denied giving Milk Bones for life to my neighbour’s insane Chiwawas after my death? (Someone has to keep this nutty trend going.)

          Your comment brings to mind the Shakespearean story, King Lear. He was foolish (as was a local who gave the amusment park to his kids…..that’s another story.) The fact is that the govt. is not our king. Am I making any sense?

          • “a person’s wealth should be distributed in the mannner of his/her choosing”

            So let him/her distribute it before s/he dies, Kells. But you can’t take it with you, and the dead person isn’t the one being taxed. The person getting the money, despite doing nothing him/herself to earn it, is the one being taxed. The gov’t. isn’t our king, indeed–but as Tom Paine argued, we shouldn’t let inherited wealth create new “kings,” either.

            Now, if you think that’s the way it should be, fine–but you don’t then get to pretend that we live in an “equal opportunity” society.

            • Spin that Payne to fit your redistributive wealth philosophy James. Spin it like you are Wasserman-Schultz. Might as well. You’re starting to stink like her anyway.

              “Now, if you think that’s the way it should be, fine–but you don’t then get to pretend that we live in an “equal opportunity” society.”

              And just what makes you think you were born any differently than anyone else pal? Your choices dictate your opportunities. Nothing else.

              The thing about successful people is … they do not make, nor accept excuses. And that’s all you are offering. One excuse right after another.

            • “So let him/her distribute it before s/he dies, Kells. But you can’t take it with you, and the dead person isn’t the one being taxed.”

              Right. You can’t take it with you, (by the way, I did that show 🙂 ) the tax is merely switched over to become your child/ren’s burden. So the argument could be made as to what they did to deserve this wealth as easily as could be made to what they did to receive this burden?

              As far as Paine, I can’t speak on him. Unfortunately, he was not on my 3-hour tour. (Maybe B.’s?)

              Now be nice and tell me you preferred Ginger. (Not that I’m in the bushes in your backyard or anything…..those folks have badges!)

              • “what they did to receive this burden?”

                Kells, I don’t see anyone turning down the “burden” of inherited wealth. And sorry, one of the few things I agree with most of the guys here on–nothing against Ginger, who was hot, but I also preferred Mary Ann. I married a brunette, after all. 🙂

                • And why would they? They can either create more wealth or squander it away. With the tax, they are only left with the option to sell the farm.

                  Oh, and you shall pay for your insolence on that reply with regards to that silly brunette!

              • Kells, it is the inherit instinct of a normal parent to strive to provide a better life for their children than they had. It’s the fruit of my toils that allow my children to make the choices in life they get to make. Don’t let James confuse that issue with equal opportunity, as a parent can giveth as well as they can taketh … based on the choices those children make.

                Sadly, James would opportunistically twist the logic of Paine in to something as dramatic as “inherited royalty” over something as silly as a memory of a child he grew up with getting a fancier car in high school.

                James says he’s well adjusted, but his logic reveals him to be a tad bit bitter about something.

    • Well, James. I’m not sure if I should exalt you for wasting so much time and energy in college, only to become a financial pauper, or condemn you for having the audacity to allow yourself to become envious, and jealous for those of us who decided to peruse careers that paid well. And before you get started on your typical smelly manure, I educate patients and staff members on a daily basis, not about trivial matters such as apostrophes, or use of words. No … I teach people about disease processes that impact their daily lives. I teach people how to avoid things like becoming so fat they end up in insulin, or cardiovascular disease. I teach children how to perform CPR so they they can save that 2 pack a day smoking mother of theirs once she crumps with a heart that has gone in to asystole. The teaching I provide impacts lives, and the preservation of such. So do not try and use that crappy excuse to gain a moral high ground.

      You see James, most of us understood that if you were going to lose years of gainful employment because of college, then it only made sense to choose careers that would allow you to catch up your finances. That’s a sacrifice we made, while the rest of you were spending your time and energy on other activities and educational career paths.

      And now, you find yourself middle aged, little to show for your efforts than to vicariously live your life through those of the students you have trained, all the while chastise those of us who have been fiscally responsible with our lives. And while you sit there and lecture to Utah about how you do not believe he owes you anything, in fact your very support of inexplicably high rates of taxation for those of us who managed to take care of ourselves to fund the civil liberties and quality of life of those of you who did not, simply shows you that do feel like something is owed to you … if not this moment, but at some point in time. Simply put, we are also Americans, and we deserve equal treatment that you enjoy. Despite what you, and your little proto-Marxists would have everyone believe, we are not second class citizens to you pal, or anyone else for that matter.

      And then you want to label my children with something so ridiculous as “inherited royalty”. My kid’s are not “royalty”, and you know damn well there is no such thing as “royalty” in this nation … unless of course you are assigning that title to someone you are so enamored with that it could be considered stalking.

      And then when someone calls you out on your garbage, you are going to offer ad hominem and flippant remarks. Way to go Mr. Educator. What a tool you are. Fascism at it’s finest right there. Hold your head high in your self-aggrandizing benevolence, but not so high that you drown when it rains again.

      And lastly, don’t misinform your students. If you do not know what you are talking about, just hush and let those that do worry about it. One day, if you ever happen to climb out of your poor status and become rich, then you will have the expertise to teach your students about that other side of the fence you are so jealous of, and maybe even how we actually got there.

      • “having the audacity to allow yourself to become envious, and jealous for those of us who decided to peruse careers that paid well”

        I’m not jealous at all–I realize I could have done the same (and still could). But neither do I think that Utah’s (and your) decision to make money somehow makes you morally superior in any way.

        “if you were going to lose years of gainful employment because of college, then it only made sense to choose careers that would allow you to catch up your finances”

        My finances are fine, thanks. The fact that you have more money than you need doesn’t somehow make you smarter (as is obvious to anyone who has read one of your comments or posts).

        “you find yourself middle aged, little to show for your efforts than to vicariously live your life through those of the students you have trained”

        Hardly. I’ve got a great life, a great marriage (which one are you on now?), great friends, a great church, health insurance, a retirement fund, etc. I don’t know any person alive with whom I would trade places.

        “chastise those of us who have been fiscally responsible with our lives”

        No, just those who brag about their income or wealth, as if that someone makes them decent human beings.

        “My kid’s are not “royalty”, and you know damn well there is no such thing as “royalty” in this nation”

        Smart people can read Tom Paine and understand the reference. Maybe one of them will explain it to you.

        “if you ever happen to climb out of your poor status and become rich”

        To repeat, I’m far from poor (though I was at one time). And I’m probably richer than anyone else here. I just don’t have as much money to throw around (though chances are, I give a larger percentage of mine away than you do).

        And that still doesn’t make you a better human being, or any less of a loser.

        • “I’m not jealous at all–I realize I could have done the same (and still could). But neither do I think that Utah’s (and your) decision to make money somehow makes you morally superior in any way.”

          No James. That’s your twisted logic. We do not claim moral superiority simply because we have wealth. We claim it because we do not go around wanting to steal the wealth of others. Get your facts straight.

          “My finances are fine, thanks. The fact that you have more money than you need doesn’t somehow make you smarter (as is obvious to anyone who has read one of your comments or posts).”

          I’m glad your finances are fine. Now stop bitching about other’s then. Thanks. And no, there you go again. Neither of us have ever said we are smarter because we have more money than you. We are smarter because we understand we had to go out and earn it for ourselves instead of just sitting around bellyaching about someone else’s wealth (and their tax rate). We are smarter because understood that we weren’t entitled to a damn thing other than the roof over our head, and a chance to lead our lives by our own liberty, and not the government hand out stolen from another.

          ” I don’t know any person alive with whom I would trade places.”

          After seeing photos of you, I can honestly say we are in total agreement.

          “No, just those who brag about their income or wealth, as if that someone makes them decent human beings.”

          This one I will remember the next time you decide to read us your resume for the ump-teenth time. Now to the facts. Have I ever gave you the sum of my assets, or even told you how much was in my wallet? No. Have I responded with facts about my charitable contributions after facing some of that liberal benevolence people like you vomit forth? You damn right. And if you want to turn around, and call that bragging, then you are more dumb than you look.

          “Smart people can read Tom Paine and understand the reference.”

          Smart people have read Tom Paine and understand how twisted folks like you and your Free Sh*t Army can spin it too. Maybe some of your buddies over there can explain that to you.

          “To repeat, I’m far from poor (though I was at one time). And I’m probably richer than anyone else here. I just don’t have as much money to throw around (though chances are, I give a larger percentage of mine away than you do).”

          Well, if you really want to compare p*nis sizes, my contributions are archived here for you (but you now call it bragging). So brag on Mr. McPherson. I am all ears.

          “And that still doesn’t make you a better human being, or any less of a loser.”

          You are right. What makes me a better human being, is the fact that I do not expect you, or anyone else to pave my way through life. I’m quite willing, and capable of doing it by myself thank you very much. So why don’t you tell your liberal proto-Marxist buddies to keep their money grubbing hands out of my pockets, thank you very much.

    • “virtually all of which will vote Republican in the next presidential election despite their current wailing.”

      Oh, I just caught this little gem….

      So not only is McPherson benevolent, but he’s clairvoyant as well. Let me guess McPherson, I suppose you are a medium too, and you work weekends in a Circus.

      The truth is, I am reluctant to vote for the next round of Republicans. And I now have that liberty to feel that way since the would-be king can’t run for a third term.

      But to be utterly direct and honest … we really just won’t know who the candidates are going to be before that time, or just who we are really going to endorse with our votes, now do we?

      • Actually,
        I think there will be lots of Republicans getting their Arse’s kicked because we now know they are Progressives. ala’ Boehner.

  8. Looks like James, aka Horatio Alger, fits the mold of the afore-mentioned progressive who attempts to explain what conservatives need to do to compete in future elections. Better pay heed.

    James, are you suggesting you are morally superior to those who enrich themselves, as you put it, because you use your “education to educate other people’s kids”? I have a different interpretation of that. I call it indoctrinating the youth brigade. I know you’re not all that successful at it, but that says more about your ability than your intent. It is clear you neglect to enrich yourself. What do you do to enrich your students?

    “I don’t believe that you now owe ME more of what you have already earned” … “But yes, I think your taxes should be higher,”

    Didn’t I read somewhere that you are funded by the government? Perhaps you should devote a week or two of study to the Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs.

    “much federal spending could be cut. And I’d bet that Congress–including the Republicans–is about to agree with me.”

    Really? What gives you the idea that Congress is about to cut spending, other than defense?

    “Ronald Reagan, who raised taxes repeatedly and under whom tax rates were far higher than they are now.”

    Would you mind providing your source? Here is mine: “When Democrats or media embrace Reagan for “raising taxes X number of times,” they are usually engaging in willful obfuscation. This is because they know that when most people hear the words, “tax hike,” they naturally assume you mean raising income taxes. But tax rates (both nominal and effective) dropped dramatically across-the-board during Reagan’s tenure.” Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/06/ronald-reagan-raised-taxes-11-times-the-real-story/#ixzz2CavWmbIs

    “you were proven so convincingly wrong about how the election would turn out.”

    Whoops, Utah forgot to account for massive voter fraud … and underestimated the pernicious influence of progressives.

    “whining to the choir–virtually all of which will vote Republican in the next presidential election despite their current wailing.”

    Well, James, Rome was not built in a day. It’s not easy keeping up with a vast propaganda machine and a well-organized youth brigade. Speaking of that, I guess you better get back to your curriculum. What’s on this week’s agenda? Self-emasculation, how to fill out a welfare application, or perhaps a tutorial on how to write complaint letters to conservative organizations?

    • “are you suggesting you are morally superior to those who enrich themselves, as you put it, because you use your “education to educate other people’s kids”?”

      Of course not, JDoggie–no more than Utah was suggesting that he was morally superior for having studied what he did and making a bunch of money as a result. But how nice of you to try to come to his defense, however feeble the attempt.

      “I have a different interpretation of that.”

      Of course you do. But I can’t imagine that many people care about your paranoid interpretations.

      “Didn’t I read somewhere that you are funded by the government?”

      In much the same was as many others, including doctors who accept Medicare and Medicaid–though I teach at a private school with relatively high tuition and a decent endowment. By the way, funded to a much higher degree by government are public school teachers, cops, firefighters, Tea Party members of Congress, and all the members of the military.

      “What gives you the idea that Congress is about to cut spending, other than defense?”

      A. Defense is part of spending, and definitely can be cut. B. I read and watch sources other than right-wing websites.

      “Would you mind providing your source?”

      You can find respective tax rates in a multitude of places. If you’re unwilling or unable to do so, that’s your problem.

      “Utah forgot to account for massive voter fraud”

      Yeah, sure, because you clueless losers can’t recognize simple facts, such as the fact that not only did the Democrats win the Presidency, but despite the fact that there were 23 Democratic Senate seats and 10 Republican seats up for election, the Dems lost one (Nebraska) to the Republicans, but won four (Conn, Indiana, Maine and Mass) from the Republicans. (Thanks to flaky tea partiers for guaranteeing a continued Senate minority for the GOP.)

      Oh, and 55% of the voters voted for the Democratic candidate in their district’s House of Representative’s race. If the district lines were the same as the 2010 election, the Democrats would have taken back control of the House of Representatives, too. But Republicans managed to gerrymander districts enough to keep a House majority, even though they got far few votes over all. Instead of whining about supposed voter fraud, maybe you ought to get on the issue of most Americans having to deal with the party they voted against having the House majority.

  9. Thomas Paine was against The Ruling Elites,King George and their lackys in Parliament having perpetual power in Government , facilitated by their passing on of immense wealth ( in the 1/2 of 1 % if you will)…….the only ones who had money in those times.

    Kinda like the Owners( Stakeholders) of the Federal Reserve , The Goldman Sachs & JP Morgans (J Dimon)and their Lackys today : RINOs, Billionaire Democrat Senators Like J Kerry and the Ofraudster hisself……Perpetual Power by Taxaxtion of the Middle Classes and Voter Fraud……

    You Vote Cheaters only won by 1.86 % of the Vote total…….7 MILLION voters LESS than 2008. With a True Conservative Candidate, not a Moderate RINO, you would be swamped !

    • “With a True Conservative Candidate, not a Moderate RINO, you would be swamped !”

      Yeah, sure, Don. Romney was getting killed in the polls when he was acting like a conservative, then got close when he started acting like a moderate. (What he really is, who knows or cares?)

      And of course Obama didn’t win by as much this time as he did the first time–but he won by more than Bush did in two elections combined, whether you’re counting the electoral vote or the popular vote. So I assume you also questioned the legitimacy of both of W’s wins?

      • We get it, James. You are a political pragmatist. Re-read the post, it’s about you.

        I see Obozo is making Congress go through a tedious series of investigations regarding what happened on 9/11/12. In your mind, that probably makes more sense than just being honest with us in the beginning. But, I digress, I forget that being truthful with Americans is beyond your purview.

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