The “Progressive” Mindset…

…is eloquently revealed (perhaps unintentionally) by leftist fruitbat “economist”, Paul Krugman in this exchange with George Will (via Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters): PAUL KRUGMAN, NEW YORK TIMES: And yet, of course, Walker is proposing tax cuts that will do much more to hurt the budget than any of these alleged savings. So this is —…

An Intellect Far Superior To Mine

Some (most) would say that is something pretty easy to find…but my role in this experiment is to continue to learn and to share what I am learning with our readers. Buckle up buttercups, there is a knowledge avalanche coming your way in 3…2…1… James Piereson, writing at the New Criterion, has a brilliantly disturbing…

It’s Not His Fault, Ya’ll…

…or so says the Obama apologists at the New York Times: In his weekly address on Saturday, recorded on Friday at a Honeywell International plant near Minneapolis, the president cited the global woes buffeting the economy. But he singled out Congress for rebuke. “While we can’t fully control everything that happens in other parts of…

Synchronicity or Singularity?

Synchronicity: The state or fact of being synchronous or simultaneous; synchronism, the coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related, conceived in Jungian theory as an explanatory principle on the same order as causality. I was tipped to this piece by Paul Mirengoff at Powerline who introduced it by starting his post this way:…