Americanism = Articulated Reason

There is nothing wrong with holding an opinion, and holding it passionately. But at those times when you’re absolutely sure that you’re right, talk with someone who disagrees, and if you constantly find yourself in the company of those who say “amen” to everything that you say, find other company. Condoleezza Rice, 2012 Commencement speech,…

Substitution Theory

texas95 is having a little debate with a “friend”, so I thought his re-post might help. Might look at here and at anything that B3A has written on the subject. Originally posted on September 23, 2011. I’ve posted this before but one of my favorite quotes is this one from John Adams from his message…

Music Therapy

Although my plan was to write on something silly, I got sidetracked (Seems to be the case with me.) I was speaking to a fella (@edlives) on autism because I thought he was @TheTheologiansCafe.  He assured me that no, he wasn’t, because he looks better in a tux. We had an interesting, if brief, discussion…