Just listen: Mark Levin Eviscerates the Obamacare Ruling The only part where I disagree with Levin is in advocating we keep doing what we’ve been doing for more than 20 years now.  Note how he lays out a damning attack against the Republicans and rightly illustrates how they never do what they say they will…

The Tommy Flanigan Court

I have had the opportunity to read over the opinions in today’s ruling. Those of Ginsberg are shocking in their anti- constitutional content. If you think Roberts’ opinion opens us up to massive government control and intrusion, Ginsberg’s is absolutely jaw-dropping in its scope and content. Justice Ginsberg clearly is of the opinion that a…


Yes, you read that correctly. If you do not believe me, watch the video in this story and TAKE CAREFUL NOTE OF WHAT ROMNEY DOES NOT SAY:   Romney After Supreme Court Ruling: ‘ObamaCare Was Bad Policy Yesterday, It‘s Bad Policy Today’   Romney never once says Obamacare is unconstitutional. Why? Because he thinks it…


I’m completely dumbstruck over the logic that was used to uphold Obamacare. I do understand Roberts’ opinion on its face after reading it, I just don’t understand how the Administration was allowed to make a “multiple choice” set of arguments and how the justices simply picked a, b, or c. I was actually worried about…

Never, EVER Vote Republican Again – not even Romney!

That’s it: I’ve had enough! I will never vote for a Republican again – ever – not even for Romney! It doesn’t matter anymore. That PROGRESSIVE, George W Bush, appointed that TRAITOR, Roberts, so why should anyone ever vote Republican again? They just proved that they are looking to destroy America with the Democrats. With…

The American Left and Islam: Brothers in Cause

I have been trying to wake Americans to the fact that Progressives mean to destroy America, and so does Islam. I have also tried to get people to understand that these two ideologies have combined forces to work toward their common goal: the destruction of our system of government and the Western way of life.…