Things to Do With Your Dead Kitteh

Retrofit ole Garfield with rotor blades: An artist has turned his cat into a flying helicopter after it was killed by a car. Dutchman Bart Jansen stuffed Orville before teaming up with a radio control helicopter expert to attach propellers to each of its four paws. The cat – named after pioneering aviator Orville Wright…

USS Zumwalt

War porn: Looking a bit like an old Civil War Ironclad, the $7 billion DDG 1000 USS Zumwalt will focus on land attacks, relying heavily on its advanced stealth technology to slip in close to shore before unleashing its massive onboard arsenal. A new take on the Zumwalt was published today by the Eric Talmadge at…

Okay, They’re Evil. Now What?

All right, Utah, you win; Muslims can’t be trusted, they have a history of violence, and they hate us for our freedoms. Since you are silent, agape at my capitulation, allow me to speak for you. What do we do with these odious America-haters in our midst? Make them renounce their religion? Well, the Quran…