Points to Ponder XXI

The story:   Did You Know Planned Parenthood Has a Clinic Inside an L.A. High School? One 16-year-old student who first received emergency contraception from the clinic before returning for regular birth control told the newspaper she was relieved knowing she could get such treatment without having to tell her parents. “Just knowing you can…

Schadenfreude, Badger Style

Harold Myerson at The American Prospect is not a happy union bunny. Scott Walker’s beatdown of Tom Barrett yesterday has put old Harold in a bit of an angry funk: While hardly surprising to anyone who read the polls, yesterday’s victory by Republican Governor Scott Walker was a body blow to Wisconsin unions and to…

Walker Death Threat and Texas’s Letter

I was reading this story: Wisconsin Police, DOJ Investigating Walker Death Threats After Recall Victory Milwaukee police spokeswoman Anna Schwarz said the department is investigating the threats alongside the state Justice Department’s criminal investigation division. “People can not assume anonymity via social media while they are issuing a threat to another’s safety or life,” Schwartz…

Points to Ponder XX

The story:   Business Insider: The Best Fed Source in the World Says QEIII Is Now on the Table   The WSJ’s Jon Hilsenrath – whom Cardiff Garcia has dubbed “Fedwire” – reports that more Fed action is now officially on the table due to the slew of weak incoming data. There’s no gaurantee that it will happen, or that…

Points to Ponder XIX

The story:   Desperate: Unstable EU Countries Consider Surrendering Sovereignty in Return For German Aid “After falling short with her ‘fiscal compact’ on budget discipline, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is pressing for much more ambitious measures, including a central authority to manage euro area finances, and major new powers for the European Commission, European Parliament…

In Solemn Remembrance…

68 years ago today, the Allied forces launched the largest amphibious invasion in the history of man: launched to end the tyranny of fascism on the European continent. Here’s to remembering the men and women who gave their lives so that others may have a chance to live theirs in peace and liberty. Semper Fi!

Do You Know the Way to Es-ton-i-a?

Apologies to Dionne Warwick and the City of San Jose. Even after a kick in the gonads that the 18% economic contraction was, austerity programs are working in Estonia – proving once again that you can’t expect to borrow your way out of debt: How did they bounce back? “I can answer in one word:…

On, Wisconsin…

It is clear in the reactions of the “progressives” in Wisconsin to the crushing defeat doled out to them by Governor Scott Walker and his Lieutenant Governor, Rebecca Kleefisch. This was the third wrenching defeat in a row, coming after the Wisconsin Supreme Court fight featuring Judge David Prosser and the failed Senate recall elections.…