J. Robert Oppenheimer

“Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

The Institute for Advanced Study has a brief history of Oppenheimer and says this:

Oppenheimer’s concern for the general public’s lack of scientific understanding, and the difficulty of conveying the content of scientific discoveries as well as the exhilaration of the creative act of discovery to even educated lay people, led to several popular essays on science. He delivered the Reith lectures on the BBC in 1953, and these were published under the title “Science and the Common Understanding.”

What a dichotomy.  A man who worked his entire life to create knowledge, CREATES the thing that can DESTROY our world.  Then Oppenheimer works the rest of his life to ensure he didn’t destroy the world.

In contrast, we have a political class claiming to raise everyone up while implementing policies that TAKE and PUNISH those with more, INSTEAD of encouraging and helping those with less and saying “you can succeed!”  Our Government Politicians and Bureaucrats are constantly working to reverse and undo our society and her foundations which has encouraged and provided for the most creativity, grandest wealth, highest standard of living, longest living peoples, etc.

Our public education system indoctrinates our children to “feel good” about the incorrect answer so they will voluntarily adopt STATISM and “feel good” about another wrong answer.

The current policies of those NOW running our Federal Government, are CREATING more people dependent upon the Government, which in turn will DESTROY that very Government.

Can you really not see where STATIST policies take a PEOPLE ?  

If the self styled “Democrats” remain in control of this nation’s Governments,  it is over, not only for America, but most importantly, for Humankind.   Will a majority of our Nation really vote for a person they do not know, who blatantly lies to them, and whose policies have made them worse off?  The list of lies never ends, peruse the supported posts here.

We can go the way of Rome.  If America follows Rome, the following Dark Ages, will be Darker than any of our imaginations.  The Dark Ages will bury Lady Liberty for centuries.

Liberty, what is it?

For me, LIBERTY is knowing ALL DREAMS can come true,

no matter how distant, how difficult, or how long the odds.

Have we become a nation of people who have just given up to walk down to the Government office and request that handout, and then vote for that handout to be extended?

Or, are there embers of Liberty alive in all of us, just waiting to be fanned so the ensuing fire can shine light through the Darkness of lies, deceit and dependency ?

Dream of, and for, Liberty.

Vote for our children, so they may dream impossible dreams, learn from tolerable defeats, and

triumph with unknowable successes.

5 thoughts on “J. Robert Oppenheimer

  1. Don’t know if he was Buddhist. Wikipedia alludes he was Jewish. One blogger states Oppenheimer read Sanskrit and the translation is his own.

    • Yes, I thought he was a Jewish boy, but then I got confused when he alluded to the Buddhist Goddess. A brilliant mind……he is able to succinctly bring his mental tangents into one pure thought. Meanwhile, back at the ranch….

    • From the different internet “histories” I have perused: Oppenheimer freely admitted he had “communist” friends and had attended Communist organized meetings during the 30’s.
      Oppenheimer claimed he never “joined” the Communist Party USA, and advised his friends, family, and others not to.
      Some state “his” competitors in the atomic/physics arena were merely after him professionally and wanted the funding which he controlled thru Los Alamos.

      Oppenheimer was a true Genius. He taught himself 5 or 6 languages.
      When Oppenheimer was invited to give a talk in Europe, he proceeded to teach himself Dutch in 6 weeks so he could deliver and discuss his paper in the native language.

      Additionally, it is reported that his quote:

      “now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”
      is Oppenheimer’s personal translation from the original sanskrit text. Oppenheimer learned Sanskrit so he might read their book in the native language.

      Oppenheimer personally gave money and aid to Europe’s scientists in order to help them get to America to flee fascism.

      Colleagues reported, not only was Oppenheimer a genuis, but was an amazing teacher/professor, and he naturally inspired his students and colleagues to work their hardest to answer the HARD questions.

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