Media Bias? Jimmy Carter’s pollster, Pat Caddell, speaks on 9/28/2012:

The Audacity of Corruption:

The Press have become an Enemy of the People !

Quotes below come from the video below.

It is appalling that Valerie Jarrett  … has a full secret service detail, … even while on vacation, … when an American Ambassador has inadequate security….

Senior Whitehouse’ David Plouffe:  An Iranian front group gave him $100,000 to give 2 speeches in Nigeria.

Obama National Security Advisor Tom Donilon is known as “the leaker in chief”

Corruption: 80 percent of stimulus money given under the stimulus went to bundlers or major contributors to Obama.

20 American embassies are under attack yesterday.  Not in the news….

Obama then flown off to a fundraiser in California.

… It is another thing to specifically decide that you will not not tell the American People information they have a right to know…

via: Accuracy in Media:



3 thoughts on “Media Bias? Jimmy Carter’s pollster, Pat Caddell, speaks on 9/28/2012:

  1. Interesting that they hyperventilate about “transparency”. They obviously have a different understanding of the word than the rest of us sane folks have.

  2. Thanks Kells, It’s good to be missed.

    Like Utah, it seems to me, those who are going to “understand” liberty and freedom and opportunity for ALL, already have enough posts from Utah and B3A to learn. We can explain “THIS” in so many ways. If the Statists, like James, refuse to be “open-minded” and attempt to have a true dialogue, we must realize, there is “no hope” for common understanding when they refuse to acknowledge there should be just 1 set of rules, 1 standard, 1 level playing field.

    In the Statist’s mind, everyone, everything, should get its own “special” treatment, in order to make things FAIR, which is inherently UNFAIR to everyone.

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