The American Mandarin: Self-Serving Vanity Post

My first book, The American Mandarin, will be published and available for purchase on August 15th, 2013. It is the story of intrigue, espionage, genetic manipulation and the science of epigenetics (genetic memory) and how an unsuspecting  American family gets caught in the middle of a generational battle between two superpowers and their proxies. It…

Oprah And Lynching

This is a perfect illustration (via NewsBusters) of what I meant in Lying Liars : It seems that when there’s a good liberal narrative to be advanced, facts and actual history don’t matter. That was apparently the case when Oprah Winfrey claimed that the “n-word” was the last thing heard by “millions” who were lynched. The implication…

Detroit: Slow Motion Black Racism Train Wreck

Joe noted a while back the role that communism and racism played in the downfall of Detroit and how Detroit mayor Coleman Young was a major factor in assuring that race was used as both a hammer and a wedge. John Hinderaker at Powerline posted a letter from an actual resident of Detroit who saw…