CDC Study Ordered By Obama After Sandy Hook Tragedy Finds Opposite Of What He Wanted It To Find

So, you probably won’t hear much about it: In January, following the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, President Obama issued a “Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence,” along with 22 other “initiatives.” That study, subcontracted out to the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, was completed in…

Historic Revisionism: The Real Reason Democrats Want Blacks ‘On Their Plantation’

Since the start of LBJ’s Great Society and War on Poverty, the black community has been devastated – and it was by design!  Welfare, as it exists in this nation – is designed to breed dependency.  By demanding that a family cannot receive benefits if there is a man in the house, welfare has destroyed…

Man Orders Gun Safe, Gets Bonus

An Ohio man expected the gun safe he ordered online to be empty, police said. But instead, he found $425,000-worth of tightly wrapped marijuana bricks inside. “I’ve been in law enforcement for 47 years and I’ve never seen anything like this,” Shelby County, Ohio, Sheriff John L. Lenhartsaid. “It’s quite effective if you think about it: wrapped airtight to withstand high…

First President

Political opponents of Mr. Obama should ease up. After all, he has achieved a level of skills never before seen in the office of the “Leader of the Free World”. We should quit trashing Obama’s accomplishments. He has been the first in more areas than any other President before him. Here is a list of…

Hillary! 2016: The Next Democrat Incompetent or Why Two Tits and a Twat Couldn’t Overcome Barack the Magic Negro in 2008

If there is one thing that separates liberals/”progressives” from conservatives/classic liberals it is the liberal/”progressive” devotion to symbolism. Based on his performance to date, it seems clear that Barack Obama was elected because he was a symbol, an expression of reality instead of something that was truly real. In actuality, he was guy inexperienced in just about…

Repeating History: Obama, the EPA and Congress

Learning to Recognize and Understand the Spirit behind an Agenda: Obama, the EPA and Congress I readily admit that I have a world view that leads me to see the repeating cycles of history as being somehow connected to the spirits that drive human action.  Whatever others may call it, or however they may describe…