A Compliment to Texas’ Posts

I thought this would be a compliment to Texas’ latest posts. Lawlessness: Promoting Chaos and Subverting the Rule of Law through Euphemism Progressives love to use language manipulation as a weapon.  They understand that they can influence (read that deceive) people who are not paying close attention simply by using different words to describe things that…

Obama’s unconstitutional steps worse than Nixon’s; says George F. Will

For the last few months, “we” have been having a discussion where I have consistently stated and re-stated, “Our Constitution is being ignored”.  Attorney and talk show radio host Mark Levin describes the same environment with the phrase “Post Constitutional era.” When the NSA revelations broke, I created the hypothetical to put the ILLEGALITY of…

CBS News reports Obama administration responsible for ongoing civilian murders

Remember “Fast and Furious”?  Seems like a “lifetime ago” doesn’t it?  There have been so many “phony scandals” since then.  Obama supporters and the federal government managed propaganda always urging, move along, nothing to see here. SHARYL ATTKISSON / CBS NEWS/ August 14, 2013, 12:54 PM reports and publishes a new essay explaining the Obama’s administration’s “fast and…

Creeping Islam in Our Public Schools

Education: Islamic Influence on American Education The Re-Writing of History in U.S. Text Books WARNING!  This nation is under a deliberate and coordinated attack by the forces of Islam.  This is not ‘Islamaphobia,’ nor is it a condemnation of individual Muslims.  It is a fact, and my condemnation is of the religion, but not necessarily…

Political Racism

Co-blogger Dusty wrote something that I think bears further examination. He stated: This is why i say we should never elect a black person, a female, or a person of ANY minority, because if we do so we are stuck with them regardless of how poor of a job they do or how criminal they…