Judge it for yourself… (from an email I received) THE CLINTON BODY BAGS Food for Thought Just a quick refresher course lest we forget what has happened to many “friends” of the Clintons. 1- James McDougal – Clinton’s convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key…

The ‘Scientifically’ Designed ‘Ideal’ Society

Social Engineering: Defining And Justifying Conformity To The ‘Ideal’ Society In my previous two posts in this series, Social Engineering: Creating A Ruling Elite While Undermining Society’s Ability To Think and Social Engineering: Justifying The State Takeover Of Our Children, I explained how our schools have been co-opted by people who wish to create what they see as…

The Goreacle Speaks

“You know what, those global warming deniers are sorta like racists, supporters of apartheid, Tail Gunner Joe, polluters, slaveholders, and homophobic bigots who tell bad jokes all rolled into one, aren’t they?” That’s my interpretation of what ManBearPig says anyway: Well, I think the most important part of it is winning the conversation. I remember…

State Ownership of Our Children: a Weapon Against Our Rights and Liberty

Social Engineering: Justifying The State Takeover Of Our Children In my previous post, Social Engineering: Creating A Ruling Elite While Undermining Society’s Ability To Think, I explained how our schools have been co-opted by people who wish to create what they see as a model or ‘perfect’ society.  In this post, I will present just a fraction…

I like this Rattlesnake Logic

I like this Rattlesnake Logic ……………….(from an email I received) After the Boston bombing the news media has spent days and weeks trying to determine why these men did what they did. They want to know what America did to make these brothers so angry with us. They want to know why these men were…

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks

“All who gain power are afraid to lose it.”  – Supreme Chancellor Palpatine – Star Wars: Return of the Jedi – 1983 Yeah, Star Wars…I went there… …but the universality of a concept is not diminished even when it is used by George Lucas. Power brings with it many advantages. It is clear that this statement…

I’m Going to be Called a Racist for this One

When I saw this story: ‘The Butler’ Director: America ‘More Racist’ Since Obama Became President; ‘People Are Angry…Showing Their True Colors’ Lee Daniels, director and producer of the new film “The Butler,” lashed out on Monday’s Piers Morgan Live at Americans who are “angry that [Obama] is president” and who are “showing their true colors.”…