Tyranny in the Headlines

Violations of Natural Law in the Headlines: Trampling Free will, Freedom to Contract and Freedom of Conscience (Freedom of Religion) Under the NATURAL LAW tab at the head of this page, in Free Will: the First Principle of Natural Law, I explained that we all have a right to our free will.  No one else can…

Wicked: This One Is For Kells

This one is for my friend, Kells. This is absolutely incredible. Kristen Chenoweth originated the role of Glinda in the Broadway hit, Wicked. She selects a random person to share a duet with her at the end of her concerts – except this time, unknown to her, the selection is a voice teacher. Life provides…

in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers. . . U.S. Constitution

The Preamble to The Bill of Rights Congress of the United States begun and held at the City of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine. THEConventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to…

Seriously, Why Do We Listen To People Like This?

In the comments of the post, “Saint Trayvon The First,” RNL reader, Melfamy, and I got into an exchange that caused me to step back and wonder why we even bother to engage people like him in discussion?  He is delusional.  He literally denies objective reality.  For example, I said this: WHAT ‘unchecked power?’ In…

Things One Must Have An ID For

This is for a certain Imam (and others) who thinks the requirements for voter ID are just another way to say “voter suppression of minorities and the poor”. Picture IDs were required to get into the Democratic National Convention: The DNC’s website says that “all pickup persons must have a state-issued ID that matches the name submitted”…