The Military and God

The U.S. military has a problem with atheists . . . . or so says the following article.  I was surfing the net and ran across this gem of “news”.  Does our military, specific to this article, the US Marine Corps, feel that a religious soldier is a better soldier? “Apparently, the Marine Corps thinks…

Book Update: The American Mandarin

After a slew of research and discussions back and forth, my book will be launched on rather than Smashwords. The marketing power and reach of the Amazon brand and all the Amazon worldwide stores were about twice the reach of Smashwords and Barnes and Noble combined. There is a Kindle reader app for all…

Study Demonstrates Confirmation Bias and Exposes Media’s Role in Indoctrinating America

Have you seen this story yet?  If you haven’t, that is actually part of what this story is about: Study: Conservative Media Causes Viewers to Distrust Scientists and Therefore Creates Global Warming Skeptics The study – An attack on science? Media use, trust in scientists, and perceptions of global warming — was published by Public Understanding of…