Rule 40!

Gibb’s Rules:

Rule #40: If it seems someone is out to get you, they are.

I find it Providential that, shortly after a deliberate attempt to undermine my credibility on this blog was conducted on me by trying to paint me as a paranoid conspiracy theorist – straight out of Alinksy’s rule book – we get these stories:

CIA ‘running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked’

BREAKING>>> GOP Rep: Obama WH Is Hiding Benghazi Survivors AND CHANGING THEIR NAMES (Video)

Exclusive: Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack

This confirms exactly what I have been telling you – well, trying to tell you – since the Benghazi incident happened.  This is treason.  This is the best case for impeachment in the history of the United States, but the Republicans do NOTHING!  Now, if this doesn’t give you reason to wonder why…

Think of it this way:  You’re in the Super Bowl, it’s the 4th quarter, you’re down by 4 points, the other team has the ball and there is only 1 second left on the clock and then they snap the ball, walk it back into their own end zone, lay it down and walk off leaving a live ball just waiting for you to recover it and win the game — AND YOUR TEAM WALKS OFF THE FIELD!  Then, after the game, when the reports ask your coach why they threw the game and the coach says: “Because the refs and announcers were against us, we didn’t want to anger them and risk losing the money we need to play again next year and because the fans were routing for the other team and we didn’t think we could win them to our side by taking advantage of the other team’s mistake..  So we made a ‘strategic’ decision.”  Would you accept the coach’s explanation?

I don’t want to say “I told you so,” so I won’t.  I’ll let a good friend of mine say it for me:

When right, I shall often be thought wrong by those whose positions will not command a view of the whole ground.

–Thomas Jefferson, Second Inaugural Address, 1805

47 thoughts on “Rule 40!

  1. I’m not aware that anyone is trying to undermine anything of yours, especially me. I do, however, have an opinion that your writing has become increasingly arrogant (“I don’t want to say “I told you so,” so I won’t. I’ll let a good friend of mine say it for me ” as if you have some special ownership of Thomas Jefferson – funny that you didn’t seem to claim that special relationship when I pointed out Jefferson’s idea that the Constitution should be rewritten every 19 years – maybe that relationship only works when he agrees with you?), paranoid, containing more and more hyperbole and fewer facts every day – more like Alex Jones and Prison Planet than a reasoned thinker. Hell, even a broken clock is right twice a day, right?

    Joe, you have become less respectful and quite fond of rejecting anything that doesn’t exactly fit your worldview (WRONG! – as you are fond of writing) as if it is a crime for anyone to disagree with any of your points.

    The fact is that none of us know what was going on in Benghazi and these videos and reports only add to the confusion, so for you to claim some special knowledge and vindication is the height of arrogance.

    The alleged fact that 35 CIA operatives were on the ground may well mean that they were up to something that the government wants hidden. It may have been legal, maybe not…but it is hardly a surprise that we have a CIA presence in areas where there are shady things going on. I would wager to say that we had a large presence in Latin American in the 80’s, the Balkans in the 90’s and the Middle East and South Asia in the 00’s as well.

    FC is right. We may never know the whole story and if we do, we may not want to know.

    Just so you know – I don’t care what you write or how you do it – we’ve had that discussion before – but I will continue to tell you what I think about it just as you haven’t been shy about voicing opinions on mine.

  2. Benghazi, Fast & Furious and other fairy tales of this administration will remain conspiracy theory fodder for the next 20 years, just like the JFK assassination. I love the latest on that, by the way. Kennedy killed by a SS agent with an AR15, friendly fire. Just to be clear, there is definitely information being kept hidden on both of these events, but like the Kennedy assassination, we will likely never know the entire truth.

    • That is a sad fact, FC.

      I’m not making excuses for Obama, God knows – but the CIA may have it’s own reasons for trying to tamp this down – like the potential exposure of even more valuable assets in some very inhospitable places. I don’t think the CIA is the real story – I think it is that the Obama folks are trying to dump this on them to cover their asses for some idiotic policy mistakes that BHO and Hillary made in Libya.

  3. Whatever is the matter, Utah? Joe hasn’t said anything more hurtful than you have uttered in the past. Those who can’t take what is dished out should avoid serving it in the 1st place.

    • “Whatever is the matter, Utah? Joe hasn’t said anything more hurtful than you have uttered in the past. Those who can’t take what is dished out should avoid serving it in the 1st place.”

      In your world, is all fair, or is it only you that can dish out vitriol such as those you’ve dished out to Utah?

      By the way, did you ever apologize for that remark?

      • DId Utah ever apologize for his? I explained why I said what I said, and if I meet his daughter I will apologize for calling her fat, but I owe nothing to Utah except thanks for the stock tip.

        • It’s not the fat comment I was talking about, but if you are saying that targeting family members is ok, then just say so.

          I just want to get you on the record one way, or the other.

          • Augger,

            he already is on the record. He praised Progressives, their agenda and their tactics. Progressives have always believed the ends justify the means, so attacking family members is clearly inside this criteria. Thus, Melfamy has already endorsed this and worse.

            Melfamy: It’s called logical extension and it is a perfectly valid and logical technique to use in evaluating issues such as this. Your words have meaning, so you should think before you speak/type. Deal with it.

            • Yes, I remember. I just need him to type it up again, or for you to link me to it. I would like photo documentation as I am coming to a point of taking him to school on inappropriate vitriol. LOL

            • You should talk, how many times have you called people POS? Or decried someone’s lack of morality? it was a logical extension of Utah calling me a coward. He was safely out of range, so the only way to hurt him was with words. I was wrong; I should have just let his stupidity hang out there. By coming back with a response, I gave you and the rest of the hypocrites in here an excuse not to castigate their boss for being a trash-talking idiot.

          • no, it isn’t okay to attack family members, I was mad, and no one was calling Utah out for what he repeatedly called me, but I should have left his daughter out of it,
            Now, what do you think I should be apologizing for?

            • I do not want you to apologize for anything, actually. I just want clarification that it is incorrect … without your rationalizations or attempts at justification.

              So we are going to agree that all is fair game now with you, since you will not apologize?

                • You deal with him as you like, but just remember this conversation moving forward.

                  You and I are about to start playing by exactly your standards.

                  • Augger,

                    Just make sure to remind people — often — that you have not “become him,” only that you have granted him what he has demanded: the game according to HIS rules.

                    • Joe,
                      I think what is Utah and Greg’s issue should remain their issue. Greg has said that he should have left utah’s daughter out of it and that it was wrong. They are both grown men and should fight their own battles.

                      If someone says something derogatory against the other, a response on that level is appropriate, one would think. But when a 3rd party goes to use what one has said about another to gain a free pass to make inappropriate remarks about one’s family isn’t right. It just discredits the person and this blog as being something I don’t think anyone wants it to be.

                      It’s fine to want to be a mediator, but to attempt to force someone to apologize when they don’t want to, would merely gain an apology that wasn’t sincere. If that’s the goal, by engaging in the same behavior as the offender makes one just as guilty. If just as if I broke into utah’s house and stole something and one of his friends broke into my house to attempt to steal it back.

                      I understand that Greg and Augger may be game for battle, and the rules (or lack of)have been set, but I just don’t think this is the right forum for that.

                      Disclaimer—this is my honest opinion.

                    • WM,

                      I do not want to misspeak here, because I could be wrong, but I think you have sensed something entirely different from the reason I wrote this post.

                    • Augger, my post is not a dig at you. I just feel there’s a time and place for everything and while it may be the time, I just don’t feel like this is the place.

                      Disclaimer—I also could be completely wrong.

                    • I don’t think so—but if I did we both know it wouldn’t be the first time. I was commenting on Augger and Greg’s exchange and that one only.

                    • “Augger, my post is not a dig at you. I just feel there’s a time and place for everything and while it may be the time, I just don’t feel like this is the place.”

                      You are correct on both points, and wise in this, Mr. Gates. However, someone has at some point make Greg feel the pain that he dishes out. In Greg’s self perception of “holier than thou “, he fabricates this believe that he can say whatever he wants too without repercussions, or guilt.

                      I am neither Utah’s strong arm, nor his protector. In fact, Utah’s situation as bad as it was, is only an item I am opportunistically using to corner Greg in to realizing he does not have the moral high ground on this. Unfortunately, Greg could give two shits about the moral high ground, so having the understanding of what it feels like to have someone close to you drug in to it hopefully will if nothing else, lead Greg to think once or twice before he types his horseshit and presses “POST COMMENT”.

                      Unfortunately, Greg brings this issue to this venue. Here is the “scene of the crime”,if you will, and here’s where hopefully it ends.

                      It is a waste of my time, effort, and reputation … so let’s hope we only have to resort to the childishness only once.

                  • We are talking in a chat room, moron. Are you trying to scare me? I do not scare easily, not in person, and certainly not in here, so throw whatever you got at me

                    • Oh for God’s sakes Melfamy. You always think it’s all about scaring you. It’s actually your wife I weep for.

                      She needs a real man as I said earlier. Sadly, that isn’t you. I’ll be glad to hook her up with anti-depressants though. Then maybe she can at least be somewhat happy.

                      Of course, we could just send her a real man to fix her up. I’d be down for that too … as a good faith gesture.

  4. Augger, shut the fuck up! You acting morally superior to me is a big joke, but I grow weary of it. You must have some intelligence, as doctoring is a complicated occupation. But you and your free-shit-army crap, what is that, but insulting veterans, widows, the physically challenged, and schoolkids who have no choice in how they are raised, or even fed. You deliberately avoid thinking about their circumstances, worrying instead how much it is costing you. Answer, not as much as the Iraq boondoggle.

  5. Gates, I gave up reasoning with this bunch. I just come here to vent, and to remind them that at least ONE person has the stones to stand up and let it be known when they deliberately lie.

    • “Gates, I gave up reasoning with this bunch. I just come here to vent, and to remind them that at least ONE person has the stones to stand up and let it be known when they deliberately lie.”

      You truly are a tool, aren’t you. Everything everyone says in here is nothing but a lie in your psychotic mind, so your entire intent is to come in here and disrupt conversations, call women visitors vile names, and generally create chaos for the pure sake of your entertainment.

      What you seriously need besides a new window unit, is a case of Vagasil, to treat that itchy spot thats driving you insane, which I will be happy to supply at my expense if it will somehow improve your quality of life.

    • “MY mistake, I thought we agreed to keep family out of it from now on, at Ieast that is what I intend to do.”

      That sounds like good news, and something I wish I had seen sooner before the responses above.

      Glad my point is made. You know, not everyone here is putting this much effort to write these long winded posts simply to be disingenuous. Is everything any of us (including you) 100% accurate, cited, and in MLA format? Hell no, but that does not mean everyone here isn’t putting in honest effort.

      You used too.

      Are we all guilty of vitriol? You better bet we are. But the point is, everyone has a perspective, and those perspectives … even if they are not 100% accurate may still bring up a salient point. After all, it is the collision of ideals that can bring about a better understanding for all of us.

      So I propose a truce, Greg. Take an example offered by CDE, and instead of passing off ad hominem attacks, personal attacks, attacks on other writers children, parents, wives and what have you … instead go find the best reliable sources, and bring about your assertions like you are trying to resolve a conflict with a respected neighbor.

      I’ll go ahead and predict that if you do, that respect will be returned to you by everyone, and most certainly by myself. So if you are willing to clean the slate, and start anew, then count me in.

      • You make it sound as I am the only one here with a problem, Augger. When you guys quit the lying, or at least quit the baby-like crying when you are caught lying, when you stop blaming liberals for everything, when B stops with the Nazi garbage, when Dusty stops posting lies, when you guys quit moving the goalposts, grow up, and admit when you are in error like real men do, then get back to me.

        • Exactly what part of this sentence was unclear to you, Greg?

          “Are we all guilty of vitriol? You better bet we are.”

          Is there any other word other than “ALL” that I can use that would make more sense to you? To the rest .. blah blah blah blah blah, and more flippant blah blah blah. Thats the shit I am talking about. So when you offer it, I am going to respond in kind with …

          “When you actually learn how to read, then get back to me.”

          Is this really how you would like to continue? If so, just say so. I can have fruitful post graduate conversation with CDE, and I can just continue with the sub-grade school dialog with you, if that’s what your comfortable with. The choice is yours.

  6. So I propose a truce, Greg. Take an example offered by CDE, and instead of passing off ad hominem attacks, personal attacks, attacks on other writers children, parents, wives and what have you … instead go find the best reliable sources, and bring about your assertions like you are trying to resolve a conflict with a respected neighbor.

    I’ll go ahead and predict that if you do, that respect will be returned to you by everyone, and most certainly by myself. So if you are willing to clean the slate, and start anew, then count me in.

    Change those paragraphs to the third person, otherwise you sound like you are lecturing me and me alone.

    • Um Greg. It just happens to be the two of us in this exchange. Would it help if I set up a crowd of names that are not really participating at the moment?

      • Truce, Augger, but you included a bunch of nameless people in your plea, people who will like me more if I change. Fine, water off my back, you didn’t mean it that way, so I won’t take it that way.

        • You are reaching for something that is not there. I certainly cannot speak for any other human who posts here, nor would I try. However, I can and did state that everyone’s hands are not clean in this. That’s called being honest, just so you know.

          I clearly stated that I felt like you personally would be better received here, and I still hold to that notion as at least some of these people actually know you personally. I also believe that these people (William Gates for example) still maintain a high amount of respect for you, while others like Joe, and Utah hold respect for the Greg that used to post here when I first came along.

          However, I do not think it would be quite that easy for lets say McPherson, Karl, or others.

          Our contract is just that, ours. I will maintain the truce as long as you do, and if feel you are offering vitriol, I will ask for clarification before firing back.

          Thanks for joining me in that step. I look forward to better dialog. 🙂

          • Utah canned me because I was not sucking up to him, plain and simple. The fact that he prefers Dusty’s BS to mine shows how ‘fair and balanced’ he isn’t. Say what you want about my writing, it IS my writing (btw, I hope you got a chuckle or two out of the ass-model excerpt).
            Have a good night

            • In all honesty, Utah never discussed with me what the split was about. And sadly at this point, I am not even so sure I saw the post in question, if there was one particular one. About your writing specifically … though I do not agree with your position, I generally do not have a problem with your writing style. I have noticed your quick wit, and I remember your posts had a flow to them that kept leading the reader deeper in to the work. All are hallmarks of good writing skill. And not to pick on McPherson, but your work is superior … even though I cannot buy in to the general concept of your ideology. Now that’s not to say that you do not have salient points offer. I’ve seen them, so no … I do not just dust you off because your on the other side of the fence.

              Oh, I did chuckle at your ass-model excerpt. You almost had to buy me a new monitor.

              Sleep well.

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