Let’s talk about sex, baby

Antonio Banderas and Hugh Jackman with me……………… at the same time. Under Shar’ia law, this deviant sexual act could never happen. Thankfully, the US still obeys (for the most part) the US Constitution, which means…………………………. I’ve still got a shot! Yesterday, I was at this site called http://thereligionofpeace.com/ . It has several informative links, so…

Same Old Same Old – Or Is It?

All of America is subject to the same government, right? We all enjoy the same rights and privileges as our neighbors, don’t we? The Constitution reads the same in downtown Baltimore as it does in downtown New Albany, Mississippi, right? Perhaps at a theoretical level the answer to all those questions is “yes” – but…

Thinking Thoughts About Thinking

A discussion about how liberals and conservatives think resulted in a liberal friend sending this link to me – it opens up a blog post from 2011 at the Discover magazine site the purports to be able to synthesize two studies to explain why liberals are the more “sciencey” thinkers of the two – but…

The Fantastic Four

Currently, I hear music in my head with four of the 2016 presidential candidates. I’ll start with Scott Walker. Here is a boy being dissed for no college degree, yet turned the state of WI around, despite being wrongly attacked without merit (twice) by unrelenting, unethical, and very persistent Dems that should like to see…

The Smoking Gun

My first reaction to this op-ed by John Traphagan (a professor of religious studies and anthropology at The University of Texas at Austin) was to reflexively say again that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” – but that is much too simplistic. Professor Traphagen states: “There are many law-abiding American gun owners who do…

Religious Secularism

Jonah Goldberg posted a great piece on Saturday titled “Why the Left Will Never Talk about Its Real Agenda” and in it he brings up a person he has written about several times, including him in his essential anthology of progressivism, “Liberal Fascism”. That person is the French philosopher, Auguste Comte. I came to learn…

Bondage (aka painful chain mail)

In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior: “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time…

Killing Jesus

Muslims are willing to kill over a cartoon of Muhammad while Christians are afraid to hurt someone’s feelings. The leadership of various major branches of Christianity work to move away from Biblical teachings and morph mainline Christianity in America to some kind of Casey Kasem Top 40 religion guided not by God but by pop…

So Much For The ‘Experts’

Originally posted on The Oil for Your Lamp:
How many times have you heard people say, or seen it inferred that without a certain piece of paper, you are unqualified to do or comment on something?  The unspoken assumption in these cases is that, without some school or government agency bestowing their stamp of approval…

Stake Dinner

I’m not a betting woman, per se, but when I am; I am usually spot on. While I would’ve never predicted American Pharoah to win (don’t watch sports), I can easily predict Warren diving into the presidential race. I could be wrong……but deep down, I feel that I shall win my stake of a perfectly…